博碩士論文 111453023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Min Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以科技接受模式將內部變項之「認知有用性」、「認知易用性」、「使用態度」、「使用意圖」做為研究構面,並設計構面因子,以探討影響消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡的各個面向。 透過研究背景與研究動機,本研究目的如下: 1. 了解消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡意願。 2. 了解消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡認知有用性。 3. 了解消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡認知易用性。 4. 了解消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡在認知有用性與認知易用性下是否影響其使用態度與使用意圖。 本研究透過Google表單問卷系統發送,總計回收有效問卷112份。研究結果顯示,冷錢包簽帳卡在科技接受模式的構面中,認知易用性對認知有用性、認知易用性對使用態度、認知有用對使用態度、認知有用性對使用意圖、使用態度對使用意圖,皆具有正面顯著的影響。 以「冷錢包+簽帳卡」架構串接加密貨幣數位資產與法定貨幣下,冷錢包簽帳卡可將Web 3.0環境中的加密數位貨幣交割、轉換為法定貨幣,並經由BIN sponsor所提供的簽帳功能,作為在實體世界刷卡交易的工具,大幅度提升虛擬貨幣等數位資產持有者在現實生活中使用的便利程度,可說是嫁接數位資產與法定貨幣資產的最後一哩路。透過此研究可以了解影響消費者使用冷錢包簽帳卡有哪些面向可以著重,以利於未來的推廣發行。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study employs the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), using the internal variables of "perceived usefulness," "perceived ease of use," "attitude towards use," and "behavioral intention to use" as research dimensions. These dimensions are designed as factors to explore the various aspects influencing consumers′ use of cold crypto-wallet debit cards. Through the research background and motivation, the objectives of this study are as follows: 1. To understand consumers′ willingness to use cold crypto-wallet debit cards. 2. To understand consumers′ perceived usefulness of cold crypto-wallet debit cards. 3. To understand consumers′ perceived ease of use of cold crypto-wallet debit cards. 4. To understand whether perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use affect consumers′ attitude towards use and behavioral intention to use cold crypto-wallet debit cards. The study collected data through the Google Forms survey system, yielding a total of 112 valid responses. The research results indicate that in the dimensions of the Technology Acceptance Model for cold crypto-wallet debit cards, perceived ease of use positively and significantly affects perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use positively and significantly affects attitude towards use, perceived usefulness positively and significantly affects attitude towards use, perceived usefulness positively and significantly affects behavioral intention to use, and attitude towards use positively and significantly affects behavioral intention to use. The "cold crypto-wallet + debit card" framework connects digital assets in cryptocurrencies with fiat currencies. Cold crypto-wallet debit cards can convert cryptocurrencies into fiat currencies within the Web 3.0 environment. With the debit function provided by the BIN sponsor, these cards can be used for transactions in the physical world, significantly enhancing the convenience for holders of digital assets such as virtual currencies in real life. This can be considered the final step in bridging digital assets and fiat assets. Through this research, we can understand what aspects influence consumers to use cold crypto-wallet debit cards that can be focused on to facilitate future promotion and issuance.en_US
DC.subjectcryptocurrency walleten_US
DC.subjectcold crypto-walleten_US
DC.subjectcold crypto-wallet debit carden_US
DC.subjectcold crypto-wallet securityen_US
DC.titleExploring consumer adoption of cold crypto-wallet debit cardsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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