博碩士論文 85126001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Chih Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文之圖版來源主要來自《中國繪畫總合圖錄》、《中國古代書畫圖目》、《故宮書畫圖錄》等中國繪畫作品總集。史料方面除歷代著錄以外,以《石渠寶笈》(初編、續編和三編)和《清高宗御製詩文全集》為最重要之分析來源。 在研究方法上,除採用一般史料綜合分析之外,在畫院創作部份並使用統計分析方式,將畫院創作的設色方式、使用材質,以及彼此之間的關係以數據呈現。 經由本文之研究,一方面可看出趙伯駒在清代設色山水中的影響,另一方面也發現乾隆時期的畫院畫家,雖然是為了滿足皇室的需求而作畫,然而卻因清代畫院中風格的多樣性,而可能出現不同的發展。另外也由於文人畫觀念的影響,乾隆時期的畫院設色山水作品多半以文人筆墨入畫,並且主要以使用紙為創作媒材。而當然的,本文也讓一位不知名的畫院畫家,得以重新被認識。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMost plates in this thesis are found in the Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings (University of Tokyo Press), Illustrated Catalogue of Selected Works of Ancient Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (in the National Palace Museum in Beijing and other museums on the mainland), Illustrated Catalogue of Painting and Calligraphy (in the National Palace Museum in Taipei), others are from certain catalogues of individual artists or special exhibitions. Sh’’i Ch’’i Bao Qi《石渠寶笈》 and Complete Works of the Emperor Qianlong《清高宗御製詩文全集》 are the two major sources of historical documents. Some other ancient records and criticism on paintings are used as well. In this thesis, in addition to the general analysis and synthesis of historical documents, some sort of statistical method is also used, especially in the part concerning the production of the paintings in the Academy. In this approach, the most used material, the method of coloring, and the relationship between the two of them will be shown and supported by statistical evidence. Moreover, the possible meaning of the proportion which colorful style landscape paintings occupies in the entire court paintings will also be discussed. Through this research, we can find that the influence of the Ch’’ao P’’o Chu’’s Blue-and-Green style continues in the Qinglong reign. However, the court painters, who paint to meet the royal demand, still have room to develop different ways of expression in the Academy of Qianlong reign, where there is a diversity of painting styles. Since the establishing of the Qing Royal Painting Academy, court painters have been combining traditional court paintings with the ideas and methods of the literati paintings, and one of the obvious result of this is the use of paper and the skill of brush and ink in the colorful style landscape paintings. Above all, it is the main purpose and hope of this thesis to bring some light on this poorly known court painter, Wang Biang.en_US
DC.subjectPeach Blossom Springen_US
DC.subjectTao Yuan Mingen_US
DC.subjectCourt Painten_US
DC.title清王炳仿趙伯駒桃源圖研究 兼論乾隆朝畫院設色山水創作zh_TW
DC.titleA research on Pleach blossom Spring after Chao Po Chu by Wang Biangen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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