博碩士論文 87322096 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFang-ju Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在營建工程中,業主基於對專業的要求及確保利益,常藉由契約之訂定、保險、要求承包商提供保證等方式以保障自己的權益,降低風險,使工程達到品質如式、造價如度、完工如期之目標。但仍時有所見業主之交易安全性受挑戰之情形,例如:契約中止、終止及解除,停工、工期展延、建造成本增加、工程品質降低、工安事故的發生、損害賠償、調解、仲裁、訴訟等因工程所引發之法律責任問題及承包商專業能力不足或資金調度發生問題等,業主因而無法獲得預期之保障。 為了解此等問題之發生原因,本研究經由文獻回顧及專家訪談針對相關因素進行探討,再以專家問卷調查方式透過特徵向量法求得各影響因素之相對權重;並應用模糊決策經由問卷調查求得各影響因素各等級之隸屬函數進而建立業主於施工階段保障機能評估模式,提供業主了解實際保障情形,避免過於高估自身之保障,而低估或錯估形勢未能及時採取保全之行動。最後本研究提出評估結果之處理措施流程,提供業主作為採取適當措施、改善其管理方式之參考,以確保自身權益,達到工程順利完成之目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn construction contracting, both the owner and the contractor are protected under the contract law. Due to disparity of economic standing and perception of risks, the owner often has more to lose than the contractor does, should the contractual relationship be unexpectedly terminated. Many a contractual mechanism is so purposely designed to protect the owner, including various bonds, allocation of risks and insurance, award deductions, liquidation damages, and procedural restrictions for progress and payment. Contractor pre-qualification is also a powerful means adopted to protect owner’s project success. After the commencement of construction, the owner protection mechanisms, which take the form of contract provisions, are enforceable only when the conditions hold true at any given timeframe. Unfortunately, this may not be the case in general. Both external conditions, including those relevant to the contractor, and internal conditions, in particular those related to construction progress, will vary. Therefore, it is imperative to examine the effectiveness of such mechanisms routinely and make necessary contractual adjustments if conditions turn against the owner. This work investigates the scope and content of owner protection mechanism in construction. Both literature review and expert interviews were conducted to establish the basis of analysis. A set of factors is identified as critical to owner protection. Eigenvector Method is employed upon these factor, with experts’ opinion, to generate relative weights among them. Fuzzy Sets Theory is introduced to formulate an analytic model for evaluating the overall protection gained by the owner. Recommendations are given to how this simple model can be incorporated into the procedure of contract management.en_US
DC.subjectEigenvector Methoden_US
DC.subjectOwner Protection Mechanismen_US
DC.subjectFuzzy Sets Theoryen_US
DC.titleThis work investigates the scope and content of owner protection mechanism in constructionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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