博碩士論文 88322076 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJuei-Mao Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣地區近年來交通成長量驚人,加上高溫多雨的環境,傳統直餾瀝青膠泥(AC-10、AC-20)已無法滿足鋪面要求,歐、美、日各國便開始對瀝青膠泥進行研究,除了加強品質管制外,添加高分子聚合物亦為其發展重點,期望能改善傳統瀝青材料之成效特性,近年來,國內也開始大量使用改質瀝青,以提升鋪面成效,由於對材料特性仍無法有效掌握,以往工程師所建立瀝青特性與鋪面成效間之關係常不適用,故需要建立一套更合理評估方式,將改質瀝青應用於鋪面中,以改善目前鋪面狀況。本研究主要目的在探討不同高分子改質劑,改變添加量對於傳統瀝青膠泥各項成效性的影響,經由實驗室各項基本性質試驗及流變行為試驗,依據改質瀝青特性進行比較及評估,針對其短期及長期老化行為,尋求適合台灣地區高溫、多雨及重交通量使用之改質瀝青膠泥。 研究結果發現基底瀝青等級影響著改質劑效果,等級較低之基底瀝青需添加較高比例改質劑,可以獲得較佳之改質效果,提高基底瀝青等級可以在成本及效益上獲得較大的改善幅度。而不同種類改質劑對於基底瀝青不同之改善效果,即使同類型之改質劑因其結構成分的差異,表現出之高低溫性質亦大不相同,應針對其各項特性訂出適當的試驗方式及試驗值。在韌性試驗方面,韌性值具有明顯之物理意義,可以反應出不同改質劑對基底瀝青之改質效果,建議針對不同改質劑之性能建立相關韌性規範。另外,針對台灣地區氣候條件,建議採用AC-30等級以上、針入度60以下之瀝青膠泥,以改善鋪面成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTwo straight asphalt binders, AC-10 and AC-20, have not meet the requirements of pavement materials in Taiwan because the dramatically traffic volume increases and the climate condition is hot and humid. Other than the issue of improving quality control and assurance for material and construction, the polymer-modified asphalt binders have been used and studied to solve this problem domestically. This study aimed at investigating the engineering and chemical properties and aging effects of eight modified asphalt binders, the straight asphalt binder AC-10 with eight types of modifications. The experimental program contained not only conventional tests such as Viscosity, Penetration, Softening Point tests, but also Thin-Layer Chromatography, Flame-Ionization Detector test, Dynamic Shear Rheometer test, Toughness test, and Segregation test. These polymer-modified asphalt binders were evaluated to recommend the suitable asphalts for the use of construction projects. Based on the testing results, lower grade of straight asphalt needed much more amount of modification to have the same properties. From the view of engineering, upgrading straight asphalt can benefit the performance and cost-effectiveness of construction projects. Different modifications have different results for improving engineering properties of asphalt binders. Even the same modification possesses different properties when tested at low and high temperatures. For the use of polymer-modified asphalt binders, it is recommended that the different polymer-modified asphalt binders should meet different requirements for Toughness measurements. In addition, because of loading and climate conditions, the viscosity-graded AC-30 and upper grades, or the pen 60/70 or lower grades, were recommended for the use of Taiwan area pavements.en_US
DC.subject 韌性zh_TW
DC.subject 高分子聚合物zh_TW
DC.subjectModified Polymer Bitumenen_US
DC.subject Polymeren_US
DC.title不同高分子改質瀝青(PMB)之物理及化學性質初步探討 zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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