博碩士論文 88332013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract企業界本有責任將其生產達到零廢棄物的境界,所以就工廠的流程設計,在設計時即應納入資源合理化概念並不斷創新,如此可將有限資源最佳化,降低生產成本。有鑒於A公司之產品,其含水礦渣所製造之人工粒料在取代道路級配,其成效雖受肯定,但檢視其生產流程時,發現有進一步合理化的空間,若將其液體部份先加以分離做為染整業廢水處理的混凝劑,其固體礦渣也因為濾除了水,可改以更有效的方式進行中和、造粒及成型等處理。本研究據此理念,以水泥前處理A公司經固液分離之礦渣用以取代高壓混凝土圍牆磚、路緣石及高壓混凝土連鎖磚等無筋水泥細粒料,經乾濕冷熱循環加速老化試驗、體積穩定性及超音波脈波速率檢測,證實其強度及耐久性成效良好。   前處理礦渣使用量之增加會降低細度模數及增加吸水率,可能會影響工作性,應避免任意加水而嚴重影響強度。研究亦發現,以低細度模數細粒料搭配低水灰比之配比,成品製作過程可運用高壓震動方式處理。   A公司若能改採本研究對礦渣之處理方法,將可節省70%之水泥用量,大量減少能源之消耗。水泥製品廠若以天然砂之半價取得本研究所製成之水泥前處理礦渣做為細粒料,將可節省其變動成本6-10%。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractToday's mandate for environmental sustainability demands that manufacturing companies design processes to minimize their environmental "footprint," or unit consumption of raw materials and energy and unit production of waste or valueless by-products. One effective approach has been to convert process waste into a byproduct that effectively regenerates another natural resource. Once implemented, these processes must be periodically refreshed with innovations to keep them environmentally acceptable and economically viable. The objective of this study is to help "Company A" increase its regeneration effectiveness while reducing cost. Company A currently produces a co-product, man-made aggregate, from its slurry by-product stream containing 75% liquid and 25% solid (slag). In order to neutralize its acidic content and achieve desired co-product quality, large quantities of cement are added to the slurry before casting into a solid sheet for curing. This study explores the alternative of separating most of the acidic water from the solids before neutralization, resulting in separate liquid and solid co-product streams with different regenerative applications. The liquid stream has potential application as coagulant The solid stream can be blended with natural sand for fabricating non steel-reinforced concrete blocks. Prototype production of these blocks for use as sidewalk bricks have been evaluated for aging, dimensional stability, and quality with ultrasonic pulse inspection. Test results show no significant difference from those made with 100% natural sand. This new process could reduce cement and waste treatment costs for Company A by up to 70%. The solid co-product, if sold at half the cost of natural sand, could reduce variable cost of brick manufacturers by 6-10%. More importantly, the effective regeneration of industrial slag will help reduce the consumption of natural resources.en_US
DC.subject 無筋水泥製品zh_TW
DC.subject 礦渣zh_TW
DC.subject 資源循環zh_TW
DC.subject 高壓混凝土磚zh_TW
DC.title工業礦渣取代無筋水泥製品之細粒料應用研究 zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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