博碩士論文 88332028 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorhsiang-chun Diaen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以營造廠與其分包(包括各類分包商及材料供應商)間之分包契約內獎懲條款為研究方向,研究重點有二:(1)營造廠與分包間之契約關係探討,(2)營造廠對其分包訂定契約獎懲條款之策略運用為研究,本研究乃以國內年營業額在20億以上的大型營造廠做問卷、訪談方式進行「實務驗證」,共回收35份有效問卷、訪問10家營造廠。 透過問卷統計與訪談,本研究對國內營造廠與其分包商契約之管理組織與獎懲行為有全面性探討。亦對營造廠與分包間的契約獎懲條款所衍生的「相互利益」有深入之探討,並證實營造廠與分包間之利益來自於穩定合理的專案量且反映於契約內的獎懲條款;由問卷統計得知:現階段營建市場景氣不佳,營造廠與分包商間的契約獎懲條款已與過去10年間的訂定方式不同,營造廠為節省管理成本並在有限的人力下做好分包商管理,透過契約的獎懲條款將分包商須配合達成的項目逐一加以規範,使能有效的藉由獎懲條款做為管理依據,分包商亦能從訂定的契約獎懲條款中瞭解其甲方(營造廠)的管理模式。 本研究藉由年營業額在20億以上的大型營造廠為對象,分析出其運用的契約型態、訂定獎懲條款依據、各類型分包商之獎懲內容、獎懲目的及獎懲條款之重要性等,以供業界訂定分包契約參考依據。本研究亦發現營造廠訂定分包商契約獎懲條款已逐漸重視,且訂定前協議之態度亦相當謹慎。本研究認為國內多數分包商之契約管理能力有待提升,且有待主管機關納入管理,以強化國內專業分包之合作型態。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe contract as a tool to enforce the relationship between parties has witnessed its importance in history. In construction subcontracting, this context is more troubled by the vast economic disparity between the general contractor and its subcontractors. To facilitate the progress of construction, the general contractor must rely on specific incentive/penalty contractual terms to enhance agreements between the parties. Experiences in designing the incentive/penalty mechanism consist of crucial knowledge in subcontracting. The purpose of this work is to examine the current status of incentive/penalty contractual terms in the subcontracting industry. The study subject includes general contractors, whose average annual sales exceed 2 billion NT dollars in the recently three years. A questionnaire survey is conducted upon the selected 35 firms. To gain further insight, a follow-up interview is conducted among ten of the surveyed firms. The survey reveals that most existing contractual settings between the general contractor and the subcontractors do not exactly foster mutual benefits. In general, the incentive/penalty terms are to transfer contractors’ risks and financial burdens to the side of subcontractors. Therefore, subcontracting cost cutting remains the theme of incentive/penalty terms. The volatile characteristics of subcontractors have dictated this contractual phenomenon. Further, the surveyed general contractors generally lack a fully functioned subcontracting mechanism. Subcontracting remains a side business away from the managerial central. Among the well-performing few, the trend to strengthening the subcontracting function is obvious. This is an important lesson for contractors during a deep recession in the construction industry.en_US
DC.subject 合約管理zh_TW
DC.subject 營建管理zh_TW
DC.subject 獎懲系統zh_TW
DC.subjectcontract managen_US
DC.subject incentive systemen_US
DC.subject Subcontractingen_US
DC.title營造廠訂定分包契約獎懲條款之研究 zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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