博碩士論文 88443008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJen-Ruei FUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract知識的創造與分享是組織持續競爭優勢的重要來源(Osterloh & Frey, 2000).。儘管先進的資訊與通訊科技增加了知識傳播的機會與潛力,有助於知識的分享,然而有價值的知識往往不容易被有效的分享。過去許多研究指出員工常常會拒絕與組織中的其他成員分享知識 (Ciborra & Patriota, 1998)。Spender and Grand (1996)指出儘管近年來組織越來越關注此一議題,相關之實徵研究進展仍十分有限。 本研究以資訊分享理論為基礎進行實徵研究,加入公平理論與組織學習的觀點,探討組織因素對於員工知識分享態度的影響,並從不同知識類型的角度來分析員工知識分享的態度。由於研究假說中同時牽涉到組織與個人的分析層級,本研究利用多層次模型(Multilevel Modeling)分析方法加以驗證。資訊分享理論從知識的特性出發,探討不同的知識類型對於知識分享態度的調和效果,強調員工對於不同資訊的型式抱持著不同的分享態度。本研究試圖延伸資訊分享理論,並加入新的組織情境變數,研究結果發現,在個人層次部分,組織的知識擁有權信念,與員工的自利與利他特質對於知識分享的傾向有顯著的影響,而自尊僅對內隱知識的分享傾向有顯著的影響。在組織層次部分,組織的心理安全氣候影響員工的知識分享傾向的假說得到支持,而分配公平與程序公平,則分別對於外顯與內隱知識有顯著的影響。資訊科技運用程度對於知識分享傾向的影響則未獲支持。在交互作用部分,本研究發現員工對於不同類型知識有不同的分享動機。本研究的結果,可以增進我們對於員工知識分享態度的了解。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractKnowledge generation and transfer is an essential source of firms’ sustainable competitive advantage (Osterloh et al., 2000). Field studies in diverse settings indicate that employees frequently resist sharing their knowledge with the rest of the organization (Ciborra et al., 1998). Spender and Grand (1996) noted that despite recent interest in organizationally embedded knowledge, little progress has been made in understating how and why employees refuse to share what they know. Given the importance of knowledge sharing, scholars and practitioners would be interested in identifying antecedents that enhance/hinder knowledge sharing within the organization. Built on theory of information sharing (Constant, Kiesler, & Sproull, 1994), equity theory (Adams, 1965) and organization learning perspective (Edmondson, 1999g), this study develops a theoretical conceptual model about factors that influence employees’ propensity to share knowledge. Because of the hierarchically nested data structure (i.e., organizational context and individuals), a multilevel model was constructed to examine how organizational climate, as well as individual’s social determinants, influence employee’s propensity to share knowledge. Specifically, we examine how the nature of knowledge moderates the relationship between social determinants and knowledge sharing propensity. Results indicate that beliefs of organizational ownership of knowledge, self-interest and altruism have significant effects on employees’ knowledge sharing propensity. Self-esteem is a significant predictor for knowledge sharing propensity only when the knowledge to be shared is tacit. On the organizational level, the effect of psychological safety climate on knowledge sharing propensity is significant. Furthermore, distributive justice climate has greater impact on employee’s sharing propensity of explicit knowledge than that of tacit knowledge. In contrast, procedural justice climate is more important than distributive justice climate in predicting individual’s propensity to share tacit knowledge. To our surprise, ICT utilization did not seem to be an important determinant for knowledge share propensity. Finally, the test of moderating effects provide supports that attitude toward knowledge sharing is moderated by the nature of knowledge shared. These findings and their implications are discussed.en_US
DC.subjecttheory of information sharingen_US
DC.subjectequity theoryen_US
DC.subjectknowledge sharingen_US
DC.subjectmultilevel modelingen_US
DC.titleToward an Understanding of Knowledge Sharing within MIS departments- A Multilevel Analysisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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