博碩士論文 88522004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorY-L Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract企業的資訊化在近幾年來愈來愈普及,為了提昇企業本身的競爭力,一套合適的軟體系統就顯得格外重要,雖然企業資訊系統(Business System)已經被應用到企業很長一段時間,然而,面對今日快速變更的企業環境,大多數的系統已經無法滿足公司本身的需求,一旦企業的需求隨著環境而改變時,這些系統將變得不再適用。再者,站在企業的觀點來看,決不希望每當需求一變更,就必須投入大量的人力、物力來開發新系統,因此,如果能讓既有的軟體系統簡單地就可以擴充其功能,並且可以透過重複使用(Reuse)來滿足企業需求,會是一個較好的方法。 所以在本論文中,我們希望開發一套可重複使用的會計系統,並且透過可重複使用的元件(Reusable Component)來建構整個系統。對軟體系統而言,雖然部分的元件可以被直接重複使用,然而,大部分的元件卻必須先經過特殊化(Specialization)才能滿足使用者的需求,因此,我們必須在系統當中先定義這些可變動元件(Variable Component)的變更性(Variability)。為此,設計者會在這些元件上先找出變更點(Variation Point),可能的話,對於每個變更點也會預先提供一些可能的變化(Variant)。 為了開發這個可重複使用的會計系統,我們會在系統中提出幾個變更點以及對應的變化,並介紹一些設計樣式(Design Pattern)來實作這些變更點,最後,我們可以透過在系統所提供的變更點之上附加(Attach)一些變化,來訂製(Customize)一個符合需求的會計系統。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe globalization of business is more and more popular in last few years. To keep up and remain competitive, a suitable business system can achieve this objective to a certain degree. While business systems have been used in enterprise for several decades, most existing business systems have difficulty in dealing with today's rapidly changing business environment. As long as business requirements change, these systems will become inapplicable immediately. Furthermore, businesses will not develop a new business system from scratch to meet their requirements continually. Therefore, A better way is to make existing business systems can be easily extended and reused in order to effectively reflect specific business needs. We try to improve the reusability of our accounting system through building system from reusable components. Notably, some components may be used directly in a software system, whereas most components must be specialized prior to reuse. Developers have to identify the variability on these variable components. For this purpose, we could find the variation points on each component to define their variability. If possible, some variants are also given corresponding to each variation point. In order to develop a reusable accounting system, we will identify several variation points with some variants in this system, and introduce some useful design patterns for implementing these variation points. Consequently, we can customize an accounting system just through attaching variants on corresponding variation point in our system.en_US
DC.subject 統一模式化語言zh_TW
DC.subject 設計樣式zh_TW
DC.subject 軟體重用zh_TW
DC.subjectAccounting Systemen_US
DC.subject Design Patternen_US
DC.subject Software Reuseen_US
DC.subject UMLen_US
DC.title利用設計樣式開發可重複使用之會計系統 zh_TW
DC.titleDeveloping Reusable Accounting System using Design Patterns en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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