博碩士論文 88522033 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYao-Hsin Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract藍芽(Bluetooth)微網路在建立前,首先要讓藍芽裝置能發現到彼此的存在,但是這種非對稱性的鄰居找尋過程是非常耗時的 [2],也因此讓藍芽裝置之間的連線過程充滿了不確定性.藍芽微網路的建立可以分成兩個步驟:首先是“詢問”(Inquiry),之後是“呼叫”(page),詢問的程序是用來尋找有哪些藍芽裝置在自己的範圍之內,並且得到在呼叫程序時所需要的資訊,在得到這些資訊後,呼叫程序才真正建立連線,微網路建立之所以耗時,是因為藍芽裝置們會在詢問和詢問掃瞄(Inquiry Scan)這兩個狀態更換,而只有當一個藍芽裝置在詢問而且另一個裝置在詢問掃瞄時,這兩個裝置才能進入呼叫程序,除了在詢問程序外,在呼叫及呼叫掃瞄(Page Scan)程序也面對相同的困境,而這兩個問題就是微網路建立的瓶頸所在. 在這篇論文中,首先,我們針對藍芽微網路的建立提出一個快速連結方法,在這個方法中,我們提出讓一些電源供給較充沛的藍芽裝置扮演協調者(Point Coordinator)的角色,而這個角色也就如同藍芽微網路中的的主人(Master)一樣;不同於一般的查詢程序-以一般查詢存取的編碼(General inquiry access code, GIAC)來尋找微網路中的主人,在我們的方法中,微網路中的僕人(Slave)們以專用查詢存取的編碼(dedicated inquiry access code,DIAC)來找尋協調者,而協調者則進入查詢掃瞄狀態並對僕人們做回應;另外,為了增進整個系統的生產量,藉由協調者的幫助,我們的方法也可支援多種編碼傳輸[29],當微網路中有一僕人想對另一點做傳輸時,可藉由協調者的幫助,讓來源裝置及目的裝置建立成一個新的微網路;協調者除了可以幫助來源裝置得到查詢程序中所得到的資訊(如此便能省去查詢的程序),還可經由一些協調過程,將呼叫程序所需要的時間降到最低;由模擬的結果可看出我們的方法不但有效地降低了藍芽微網路建立的延遲,並且提供藍芽個人區域網路較好的使用率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe asymmetric neighborhood discovery process has caused the formation of piconet very time consuming and made the connection establishment full of uncertainty for Bluetooth devices. The formation of Bluetooth piconet consists of two steps: Inquiry, and page. The inquiry procedure is used to discover which other Bluetooth units are within the range and to get their information for the page procedure that establishes the actual connection later. It is only when the one is doing “inquiry” and the other is doing “inquiry scan” so that they can go to the page procedure. And the situation is the same in page-and-scan state for two devices to enter the connection state. Both of these two steps are bottlenecks for the piconet formation. In this thesis, we propose a prompt connecting mechanism that adopts computing devices wired or plugged to be a point coordinator and it plays a role as a initial master in Bluetooth system. The slaves use dedicated inquiry access code (DIAC) to find the point coordinator and the point coordinator carries out inquiry scan to response to the slaves. After that, the point coordinator assists slaves to obtain the information for engaging connections and to coordinate the time for forming new piconets. Thus, multiple-code transmission is also supported. Simulation result shows that our mechanism has reduced the formation delay significantly and provides better utilization for Bluetooth personal area network (PAN).en_US
DC.subject 多重編碼zh_TW
DC.subject 微網路建立zh_TW
DC.subject 藍芽zh_TW
DC.subject 詢問zh_TW
DC.subject 點對點zh_TW
DC.subject Inen_US
DC.subject Multiple-codeen_US
DC.subject piconet formationen_US
DC.title藍芽個人區域網路的快速連結方法及多重編碼傳輸支援 zh_TW
DC.titlePrompt Connecting Mechanism and Multiple-code Transmission Support for Bluetooth Personal Area Networken_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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