博碩士論文 88541001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChang-Lung Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 隨著科技的快速發展,透過網際網路傳遞的多媒體影音資訊日與俱增。然而,經由網路所傳輸之資訊,其安全度非常重要。近年來專家學者們陸續提出了新的研究成果,其中數位資料隱藏或鑲嵌,為資訊保密注入了新的契機,經由一張很普通而不起眼的影像,可以輕易的將機密資訊隱藏在影像中,而且不會破壞影像的視覺效果,若是再配合加密措施就更加安全無虞了。此外,資訊隱藏技術亦可應用於數位典藏系統,可收節省儲存空間、身分認證及檔案管理之效。 本篇論文,我們提出了新的演算概念-位元對邏輯運算、像素分解與相位差,其中位元邏輯對運算,提供了新思維並解決了大部分資料隱藏技術無法將被隱藏之機敏資料與外層掩護之原始資料均完整無漏失重建的缺點;我們並依此概念,開發出六種資料隱藏方式,其中適用於二位元影像部分的有位元對邏輯運算及以邊緣(界)為基的位元對邏輯運算二種資料隱藏方式;適用於灰階影像部分的有以位元對邏輯運算及像素分解為基的資料隱藏方式;適用於彩色影像部分的有以位元對邏輯運算及像素分解為基於紅藍綠波段執行資料隱藏、以位元對邏輯運算於亮度部分執行資料隱藏及以相位差為基於色調與飽和度執行資料隱藏等三種方式。這六種資料隱藏的效果經過實驗證明,在資料隱藏量與視覺都能達到很好的效果,不但可偵測竄改,經過略微修改後,亦可適用於任何多媒體資訊之數位資訊隱藏與典藏,符合可逆、無漏失、良好影像視覺效果與高資訊隱藏率等條件,效果非常良好。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Due to the fast development of scientific technologies, cryptography has been widely used for information security. However, the using of cryptograph is easy to be detected. The use of those provided on public network or commercial enciphering products has to worry about the trapdoor problem. If we use private security system, the private protocol or particular transmission preambles will attract the attention of intelligentsia and hackers to access and attack it. Nowadays, due to the popular application of multi-media and transmission via network, the data embedding technologies have been widely applied for information protection, data monitoring and tracking, copyright protection, and source authentication. Under such situation, hiding confidential information or encryption scheme inside an image and covered by its unsuspicious outlook can gain double security. Recently, the development of data hiding techniques to hide annotations, confidential data, or side information into multimedia attracts the attention of researchers in various fields, especially in digital library. One of the essential tasks in digital library is the digitization of arts together with the corresponding textural descriptions. Although there are some standard interleaving algorithms for hiding the relating textural description into an image or video, the textural information is prone to be easily accessed and extracted by hackers. The data hiding mechanism can be utilized in the application of digital library and can obtain some benefits, such as the saving of storage, content authentication, and file management. However, most of traditional data hiding schemes focus on the recovery of covert information. The common shortcoming is that the original image will be distorted due to the processing of bit-substitution, quantization and truncation. In this dissertation, we propose some lossless data hiding methods based on pixel decomposition, pair-wise logical computation (PWLC) and phase difference which can achieve the goal of complete recovering of covert information and lossless reconstruction of original image simultaneously. Among the above three rationales, the rational of PWLC has proposed to remedy the shortcoming that most of the data hiding mechanism can not reconstruct the hidden information and original host image simultaneously. In addition, it also obtains high data hiding capacity and good visual quality. Furthermore, the task of tampering detection can also be achieved in the proposed method to ensure content authentication. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and validity of our proposed method.en_US
DC.subjectdata hidingen_US
DC.subjectpair-wise logical computationen_US
DC.subjectpixel decompositionen_US
DC.subjectdigital libraryen_US
DC.titleLossless Data Hiding Mechanism Based on Pixel Decomposition and Pair-wise Logical Computationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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