博碩士論文 89322088 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYung-Chung Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於亞太地區航太產業正值蓬勃發展時期,相對地維修物料的補給亦有相當的需求,且飛機維修物料的種類繁多,上游零件製造商更是多達上百家,且分佈於世界各地,而目前各維修廠皆自行處理維修物料的採買與倉儲等作業,似乎缺乏經濟效益。且在目前全球區域跨國分工與產業互補的環境下,如何因應低庫存、快速回應與較高顧客滿意度的競爭環境,已成為產業成功的關鍵,而以物流共同化進行物流整合即是改善產業供應鏈效率方法之一,透過企業間結盟關係,將各企業之物流相關作業進行整合,降低各企業之物流成本,提高營運效率,共同建立共存共榮之產業環境。 本研究在了解目前亞太地區航太物料物流模式後,針對其缺點利用腦力激盪與文獻回顧等方式,研擬了三個亞太地區適合之航太維修物料物流共同化模式,再利用多評準決策方法中之層級分析法(AHP)進行最適模式之評選,即訂定經濟成本面、物流機能面及企業整合面等三大標的,與九項評估準則,以問卷調查方式結合國內產、官、學界專家之意見,再透過AHP法之權重分析,求得各模式之整體權重,亦評選出最適亞太地區發展之航太維修物料物流共同化模式,以作為亞太地區內各維修廠商之參考。 本研究並針對我國之航太產業與政府發展全球運籌,此二部份提出目前所應優先討論之課題與因應對策,期有助於我國航太產業與政府發展全球運籌之發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAerospace industry has experienced a rapid growth in the Asian countries during the last decade. As a consequence, demands of repair materials are accordingly increased. Note that items of repair materials are numerous and manufactured by far apart factories around the world. In the present, each repair shop handles the work of purchasing and warehousing by itself. Since the amount of each repair material is relatively few and not sufficient to meet the scale of economy, the operational cost associated with the maintenance department of the aerospace industry is not easy to be lowered. To fulfill the high quality service required by customers and in the mean time to maintain the low level of stock are deemed necessary for enterprises to succeed. One way to enhance the efficiency of each repair shop and benefit the entire supply chain is to adopt the strategic alliance among enterprises. Note that mechanism integration is an essential part of strategic alliance to reduce the operational cost. After investigating the current situation of aerospace industry by reviewing relevant literature and consulting with experts, three Logistics models for repair materials in aerospace industry were come up to which the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is applied for evaluation. Four levels are structured: the overall benefit of the aerospace industry is indicated in the first level, three objectives (economic cost, Logistics mechanism and enterprise integration) are identified in the second level, nine criteria are further differentiated in the third level, and the three Logistics models are listed in the fourth level. To determine the relative weights of attributes and the priority order of the three Logistics models, a questionnaire is designed and surveys were conducted to two groups of experts. The result shows that the second model is preferred by both groups of experts, which implies that neither progressive nor conservative model is preferred based on the current environment. To ensure the second model to be successful in the future, necessary strategies were summarized and in addition, issues related to the development of global logistics in Taiwan are also intensively discussed. Few remarks and some suggestions are given in the end.en_US
DC.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)en_US
DC.subjectlogistics allianceen_US
DC.titleThe logistics alliance model of aerospace repair materials in the asiaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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