博碩士論文 89322105 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLin-Po Hungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract地方機關所掌管的地方基層建設,於近年地方向中央爭權情勢及廢省的影響下,建設需求日漸增加,上級單位在尊重各機關行政自主權的行況下,亦將多數所屬大額工程採購案,交由基層單位直接辦理設計規劃、招商施作等事宜,故各單位總體工程費用及經濟規模亦逐年成長;但相對地方政府專業人才不足、分工不夠細膩、工程整體施工環境及所衍生之附加問題日趨複雜下,並因政府機關常年不重視工程品質之積習,工程執行度亦較往常困難。所以地方機關依傳統管理方式控管所轄工程,亦多遭績效不佳之窘境。另一方面,現行政府機關預算縮編,勵行人事精簡制度,應適度善用民間企業經營效率及專業長才,所以遴選專案營建管理廠商代為管理所託規劃及興建案,使專案營建管理廠商站在業主立場,提供專業諮詢及協助統籌辦理相關事宜,不失為解決上開問題之良方。 專案營建管理制度於國外已普遍推及於各類型工程,所獲成果並頗獲肯定;但反觀國內除較少數大型專案工程外,鮮少有政府機關主動採納使用。綜歸其原因,除業主對於採行專案營建管理制度之經濟效益及可行性缺乏信心外,相關工程環境無法配合、政府採購法的限制、權責劃分不清、個案規模過小等因素,都是專案營建管理制度無法廣泛推行於基層機關之主因。 本研究即對上述地方機關採行專案營建管理制度上之關鍵問題作初步探討,首先針對專案營建管理制度之起源、定義及運作方式等議題作概要式的介紹,並以北部二縣市﹝台北縣、桃園縣﹞政府為例,統計所屬機關辦理地方基層建設之年度經濟規模,以強化地方政府採行專案營建管理制度之信心及可行性。而後回顧相關文獻,提出地方基層建設引用專案營建管理可提昇的效益作為評選指標,委請專家學者配合灰色理論及模糊方法評選出重要評估準則,並以用郵寄問卷的方式,訪談北部六縣市﹝台北縣、基隆市、宜蘭縣、桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市﹞各行政機關工務部門主官、管,利用主觀權重法及特徵向量求解,獲得各項相關屬性值的權重。而後,並在第二次問卷中設計五種統合方案,由受訪者依上述五項評估準則加以比較,並以多評準分析法中的ELECTRE﹝Elimination et Choice Translating Reality,Concordance analysis﹞法,評選各種統合年度最適地方機關引用專案營建管理方案間的優劣排序,結果為以將查核金額以上的工程案件獨立分出,其餘統合機關年度案件委請專案營建管理機構代管,為最適地方基層建設引用專案營建管理的方案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLocal Infrastructure required is increasing recently year. Upper level forward the duty to the basic unit handling the project directly which including design, planning and construction due to the upper level respect the basic organization their own administrative power so the total amount of project is growing at the same time. In the other hand, project execute is more diffcult than before due to local organization do not have enough professional person, division of labor and government organization do not pay much attention to the project quality all the time. Actually, all the result is not good if local organization control their owned project by the tradition management method. A good solution is selecting professional construction management firm to handle the build and project and let them provide professional consult and assiastant. A professional construction management had forwarded to any kind of project in abroad and the resuit is positive. But our government organization do not like to adopt the method because the owner lack confidence of execute efficient relation engineer environment can not match and government procurement law had limited, power and responsibility is not dear and the scall of the case is too small etc. All the above reason made the construction system is unable to forward to local organization. The research is focused to a professional construction management history, a definition and the method of make using for introduction. By Taipei and Taoyuan county government for example to statistics economic scale of yearly their own organization basic construction and strong the organization confidence. To entrust to expert the grey theory and vagree way to match a important estimate principle by survey.en_US
DC.subjectProfession Construction Management (PCM)en_US
DC.subjectlocal infrastructureen_US
DC.titleA Study of best combine method for Professional Construction Management in the Local Infrastructureen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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