博碩士論文 89332004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZi-Cheng Guen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對土石方工程而言,如何規劃、運用現有資源,以快速、有效最節省成本的方法調派並於工程期限內完成工作,實為工程調度者之重要課題。在以往多憑經驗以傳統方法調派,如此排程方法在小型工程或可勝任,但在工作量大、複雜性高之土方工程則往往顧此失彼浪費資源。本研究針對土石方工程之個別需求及條件,利用線性規劃最佳化模式求出每日各料源區之供料排程,提供土石方工程調派者作為調度之參考。 在現實工作環境中,各工作面之資源及限制條件並非一成不變,經由本研究之敏感度分析機制,工程管理者可依據各參數之敏感度變化趨勢,主動調整各工作面之施工條件或增減資源配置,以配合其他項目的限制條件;甚至可重新檢討局部時段的作業時間,進而修改整體施工進度網圖,以達到充分利用資源、節省成本的目的。 在求解方法上,本研究建構之實數線性規劃數學模式,依各工程不同的施工時段當時之施工需求及條件訂定各限制條件之參數,輸入LINGO 套裝軟體即可直接輸出最經濟之排程。各運輸路線不同種類之土石方成本單價估算方法,本研究則依據不同材料之取得成本、處理成本、運輸路線路況、運距、作業區之施工環境等因素利用EXCEL軟體算得各材料運至需求區之成本,作為排程者輸入單價之參考。 本研究之模式較適合短期之土石方調派,在實際之執行過程中當施工條件改變時,可隨時依最新條件調整參數,重新規劃排程。本研究係以北部某濱海特定工業區開發工程為例測試,並比較本研究模式與傳統方法之績效差異,結果顯示成效良好。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor earthwork construction, how to plan and use the current resources to have a fast, efficient and economical allocation and finish the project within the deadline is an important topic for the project manager.In the past, people usually use the traditional method to allocate depending on their experiences. However, this may be a competent way for small projects, but it usually wastes resources for the high workload earthwork construction . In order to provide the manager the assignment reference , this research uses the linear programming and optimal model to determine the most economical distribution of earthwork from cut sections or borrow pits to fill sections. In the real working environment, the resources and limitations in all respects are not unchangeable. Through the sensitivity analysis model, the manager can automatically adjust the construction condition or resource distribution to match up other item’s limitations according to the changing tendency of every parameter’s sensitivity. Moreover, partial operation time can be reviewed again to modify the schedule diagram so that the resource can be fully utilized and cost can be saved. As for the solution, this research model is established by linear programming method and the parameters of every constraint can be set according to the construction requirements and conditions in a certain time then the required schedule can be directly output by inputting LINGO package software. As regards the cost’s unit price estimation, this research uses EXCEL to get the referable unit price according to the cost of different materials, condition of routes, transportation distance, condition in the operation area… etc. For the manager, it can be a reference for the unit price. This research’s model is suitable for the short-term allocation. In the real process, when the construction conditions change, the parameter can be adjusted and schedule can be rearranged. This research uses an industrial park developing project as an example. Comparing the traditional method, this research indicates a good performance.en_US
DC.subjectoptimal modelen_US
DC.subjectresource distributionen_US
DC.subjectearthwork allocationen_US
DC.subjectlinear programmingen_US
DC.titleThe Optimal Model for Earthwork Constructionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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