博碩士論文 89332015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHo-Yuan Kaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 台灣地區於民國八十八年九月二十一日凌晨1時47分,震源南投縣集集鎮附近發生芮氏規模7.3級的強烈地震。根據交通部中央氣象局所公佈至88年10月11日止之災情統計顯示,全省共有26835棟(40845戶)房屋全倒,24495棟(41393戶)半倒。 921地震之起因為大茅埔─雙冬斷層受推擠,帶動西側平行之車籠埔斷層,二條斷層共同作用造成台灣百年來最大的地震。本論文所探討之公有建築物亦在本次地震中受損,故需進行結構修復補強。 目前國內並沒有結構補強設計規範,雖然內政部建築研究所出版「鋼筋混凝土建築物之修復與補強技術彙編」,營建署出版「921地震後受損鋼筋混凝土建築物緊急修復補強技術手冊」但皆只針對「構材補強」未論及「結構整體安全」,而且皆只是原則性的圖說,並未考慮個別桿件之力學特性。 茲因全程參與九二一震災中某一公共建築物震災損壞修繕補強工程,從鑑定、設計、以至於施工、監造,因而本論文翔實紀錄且完善整理得既有鋼筋混凝土建築物之修復補強設計,本論文之特色如下: 1.提供各種構材損壞修材之類型、修復設計及施工步驟 2.建構嚴謹且有效的結構補強設計流程 — 耐震能力評估程式確保整棟建築物之耐震能力 — 使用ETABS確保各根桿件之強度 補強前與補強後皆需進行ETABS結構分析與耐震能力評估 3.比較鋼鈑補強、碳纖維補強與玻璃纖維補強三種工法之優缺點 — 結構補強時需考慮施工性、價格、工期等因素,才可得到最佳方案。 本論文經過嚴謹之探討後,提供損壞修復設計與工法,結構補強設計流程與三種較常見補強工法之比較,期望本論文能提供國內工程界實質的幫助。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract An earth-shattering earthquake, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, with its epicenter located near Nantou County’s Chi-Chi Township in central Taiwan, erupted at 1:47am on September 21th, 1999. Disaster statistics compiled by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications’ Central Weather Bureau up to October 11th, 1999 put housings that were totally wiped out at 26,835 buildings, or a total of 40,845 households, and that of semi-collapsed at 24,495 buildings, or a total of 41,393 households, which were affected by the violent jolts. The September 21st quake, the worst earthquake ever recorded in Taiwan in the past one hundred years, had arisen from the movements of two tectonic plates – the raising of the Damaoupu-Shuangtung fault, which in turn triggered the movement of the Cherlungpu fault paralleled to its west. In light of this, the thesis aims to examine certain damages to public buildings arisen from this quake that require structural repair and reinforcement. For the lack of a comprehensive guideline regulating the design of structural reinforcement in Taiwan, what has been specified in the “Concise Technical Guide on Concrete-reinforced Building Repair and Reinforcement” published by the Ministry of Interiors’ Building Research Institute, and that in the “Technical Manual for Post-Sept. 21 Quake Steel-Concrete Building Emergency Repair and Reinforcement” published by the Bureau of Reconstruction, has been focused largely on structural material reinforcement alone, but little is made to address hte “Overall structural safety,” let alone the general illustrations have also fallen short of describing the characteristics of dynamics on each individual brace. Having participated in the post-quake repair, restoration and reinforcement work of a public building that fell victim to the September 21 quake, ranging from the assessment, design, to the implementation and supervision, the thesis not only truthfully chronicles but categorically sorts the design for repairing and reinforcing the existing steel-concrete buildings, and is noted for the following practicalities, 1.To address a variety of structural damage repairing materials by type, restoring design and implementation procedure; 2.To establish a stringent and effective design procedure for structural reinforcement; hA shockproof endurance assessment model that helps to ensure the shockproof of an entire building. hThe adaptation of the ETABS theory to ensure a proper strength reserved for each of the braces. hAn ETABS structural analysis and shockproof endurance assessment are to follow before and after each reinforcement work. 3.To compare the pros and cons of the three implementation methods, namely via the steel-plate reinforcement, the carbon-fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP), or the glass-fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP), hAn optimal solution in structural reinforcement needs to take into account related factors such as its workability, pricing and construction period. The thesis, upon scrutinizing examination, aims to offer design and implementation methods for repair and restoration work, design processes for structural reinforcement, and a comparison on three most commonly seen reinforcement approaches, presented in an effort to bring forth certain factual contribution towards the local construction engineering sector.en_US
DC.subjectstructure damage analysis after post-921 quakeen_US
DC.titlestructure damage analysis after post-921 quake-as public building for exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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