博碩士論文 89332020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatortsai-wen kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract住宅政策一直是政府施政上重要的一環,為解決政府遷台以來人口膨脹對「住」需求的增加及工商企業的蓬勃發展,政府全方位的住宅政策隨著時代的轉變一再的調整;政府直接興建國宅扮演推動「住者有其屋」的決心與誠意,其目的在提供國內廣大的中低收入戶有能力購買低價位國宅、享受優惠的低率貸款。但政府直接興建國宅的政策自推出以來從絕對的優勢與受歡迎,一直演變至今天無論是售價或貸款的利率都不是最低、最優惠的,以致無法與民間推出之住宅相抗衡,本研究範圍從國宅用地的取得、規劃、設計、發包、施工到銷售、管理與維護等各項環節中對過去及目前做法作一研究與分析並提出解決方案。 今日的國宅除了加強提升其既有優勢外,對競爭力優勢的提升更為當務之急,競爭力優勢的提升並非單靠任何一環節的改善即可做到,必須每一作業環節及執行單位緊緊相扣全方位的努力,始可成功。 提升國宅既有的優勢,除了貸款利率低於一般政府推出購屋優惠貸款外,售價必須確保低於附近房價,減低售價之方法不外乎從土地取得與建築成本及縮短工程期限去努力,國宅用地取得依法可由公地協議價購、重劃土地或區段徵收方式取得,成本均較市價為低;土地區位的選擇及較低的成本將是影響國宅個案推出成功與否的關鍵,良好的規劃、設計將使用者的需求、理想以建築師的專業素養與風格表現在每一個國宅的產品上,因採開放空間及低建蔽率,可在景觀、環境及公共設施上更有發揮空間,再加上建築師、水電技師、營造廠現場施工的執行及品質管制下,將直接提升國宅市場競爭力;既有優勢及競爭力的提升使國宅為民眾所接受,以達到銷售之目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractResidential policy is always the most important part among the administration. To resolve the increasingly demand for the residence because of the expanding population and the development of commerce and industry, the residential policy have been switched by time; the government has show the determination and sincerity by building up the civilian residential area, it means to provide lower price and lower interest rate for numerous white-color workers. At the beginning, it was quite popular and at the most advantageous position. However, at present, the policy does not have much competitiveness, because the private enterprise products have much preferable price and interest rate. This research analyze the process from the past to present, inclusive of the acquirement of the land, planning, design, contract, construction, the selling, management and maintenance etc., then provide the resolution. At present, not only need to strengthen the superiority, the civilian residential areas also need to raise the competitiveness. It not only needs to improve any part of the cycle, but also need to check the whole process. The concentration and effort by executive unit are also necessary. Thus, it might works. In order to raise the superiority, the price and interest rate must lower then usual. Making efforts on land acquirement, lower constructional cost and time can do this. Legal land acquirements, such as price negotiation of the public property, land consolidation, administrative division acquirement, have much cheaper price then current. Position selection and lower cost, are the influential points whether the civilian residence is success or not. Well planning and design by well-training architects that shows their professional characteristic and style, will fit the demand of the user. The adoption of open space and lower sheltering rate brings much possibility of the landscape, environmental planning and public property. With coordination and well quality control among architects, constructers and electric engineers, will raise the economic competitiveness of the civilian residence directly. Existing superiority and rising of competitiveness will bring the public and market acceptability.en_US
DC.subjectResidential policyen_US
DC.titleResidential policy is always the most important part among the administration.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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