博碩士論文 89433019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSimon Wongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract過去常有人將石油視為工業的黑金,今日我們可以說半導體是高科技的「黑金」,因為沒有半導體就沒有現代文明的科技社會。就台灣而言,科技業已成為未來發展的主力所在,科技實力更是評估一個國家競爭力強弱的重要指標。台灣如要成為明日的「科技矽島」,半導體工業將是條必經的途徑,唯有善用競爭優勢,在產業價值鏈中選擇高附加價值的定位,迅速建立進入障礙與市場地位,才不會在日新月異、競爭激烈、景氣起伏劇烈的產業循環中遭到淘汰,才能使台灣半導體產業續保競爭優勢,再創高峰。 二十一世紀是融合網際網路、無線通訊、數位家電與資訊科技而成的數位新經濟時代,可預期的是半導體產業在此波浪潮中扮演著極其關鍵的角色,為我國新世紀最重要的科技產業。而知識經濟更是本世紀各國競爭力發展的重要關鍵,未來腦力的競爭遠勝於勞力競爭,今後帶動台灣半導體產業再成長的契機乃是由「產值導向」走入「創新導向」,除了業者的用心經營外,政府的支援更是一大助力。台灣未來要如何擴大利基於半導體產業的知識,持續本身具有的群聚優勢,以吸引更多優秀人才來台灣,藉核心技術研發的累積,創造台灣半導體更高的附加價值,以提昇競爭力,應是台灣半導體未來發展的重心。 本研究乃藉產業競爭力分析之論點,對全球半導體產業的現況與發展趨勢,進行產業態勢分析,以為台灣半導體產業做定位並擬定發展策略。並以台灣半導體的現況分析與檢視,透過產業理論的基礎,分析其競爭力,以萃取出產業發展的關鍵成功因素,進而擬定提升台灣半導體產業的競爭策略。此外,在經濟全球化的浪潮下,建議業者與政府如何以更宏觀的角度來看全球半導體產業分工體系的形成。業者如何將潛在的威脅對手轉化為相互依存的「夥伴」,政府如何協助業者提昇競爭力,並從全球佈局的觀點來定位台灣半導體產業的未來,以鞏固台灣在全球經貿中的關鍵地位。 半導體產業是電子業的心臟,也是目前推動科技進步的最主要動力,其開發、生產的能力更是一個國家科技水準的標誌之一。台灣半導體產業發展至今已在全球佔有一席之地,為全球半導體產業的製造重鎮,今後更應在既有的基礎下厚植實力,善用資訊科技、掌握核心能力、持續不斷的創新以及標竿學習才能提昇品質,創造顧客滿意,加速產業升級,締造永續成長的未來,再創台灣經濟奇蹟。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSemiconductor is the “black gold” to high technology same as crude oil is the “black gold” to traditional industries. Without semiconductor, there will be no technology society of modern civilization. To Taiwan, technology is not only the main foundation of future development but also the key to greater competitive power. Attempting to be a “Silicon Island” in the future, Taiwan must be devoted to the development of its semiconductor industries. Creating international competition edge by selecting high value-added marketplace and penetrating barriers in industrial supply chains should be the only way for Taiwan to ensure that the semiconductor industry in Taiwan can maintain its competition edges for another peak. The 21th century is a new digital, economic era with prevalent information technology applications in Internet, wireless communication and consumer electronics. It is expected that semiconductor plays the most critical role in this new wave to become the most important technology industry to Taiwan. Wherein, knowledge economy is the crucial element for the development of national competition strength. The opportunity of further growth for the semiconductor industry in Taiwan rests in its transition from a productvity oriented industry into an innovation oriented one, with the supports from government remaining a major plus. How to expand the industry’s niche based on the knowledge acquired, how to maintain its inherited colony advantages, how to solicit more top talents coming to Taiwan, how to utilize accumulated R&D efforts of core technology, and how to create higher expected value and upgrade competition strength should set the tone for future development of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan. This study attempts to explore the profile of the global semiconductor industry status quo and development. By analyzing the competitive strengths of the industry, we can determine the right marketplace for the industry in Taiwan and map out future development strategies. Another purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the current semiconductor industry in Taiwan and its competitive strengths in the framework of industrial theories so as to extract key factors influencing the successfulness of the industry and further to set forth the competitive strategies it should follow. In addition, being within the global economic contest, how to look at the formation of job allocation system for the global semiconductor industry from macroscopic angles is proposed for the business manager to convert threatening opponents into interdependent partners and for the government to find optimal ways to help business manager upgrade competitive capability so as to solidify Taiwan’s critical position in the global economy. The semiconductor is the heart of electronic industries and the driver for technical improvement. The development and production capability of the semiconductor industry mark a nation’s technology level. The semiconduftor industry in Taiwan has played a vital role in the gloable economy by becoming the important manufacturing center of the global semiconfuctor community. In the future, Taiwan should take optimal use of information technology, develop more core competences, continue to innovate, and improve quality to create greater customer satisfaction, so the industry can continue to upgrade, grow, and create another economic miracle for Taiwan.en_US
DC.subjectKnowledge Economyen_US
DC.subjectCompetition Edgeen_US
DC.subjectSupply Chainen_US
DC.subjectPenetrating Barriersen_US
DC.titleThe Competitive Strategy of Taiwan Semiconductoren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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