博碩士論文 89443005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiao-Wang Shihen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract一般常識認為人際間的衝突如果增加,團隊的績效就會被降低。雖然人際間的差異導致了衝突發生,但是這不一定都是不好的;因為意見的多元性縱然會帶來情緒上的對立,但卻也是對任務執行多一些慎思。衝突是影響IT專案團隊群體過程中,重要的影響因素;此外現代的IT/IS專案都相當的複雜,發展團隊因此出現了釐清任務的需要。面對人際衝突以及降低任務模糊的情況,本研究提出以開放性溝通討論,在促成成員間的知識分享、任務省思後,能提昇IT專案的績效。本研究以Gladstein的任務群體效果模型 (task group effectiveness model),做為上述主張的基本理論。其主要內容是工作團隊的「群體過程」會影響其「群體效果」。具體而言,群體過程是一系列的團隊內互動,藉此將資源轉化成群體效果,像是績效、滿意度和團隊潛力。衝突理論主張關係衝突會阻礙溝通過程,但是任務衝突有可能,或是在特定情況下會形成正面的建設性辯論,進而對群體過程產生正面影響。本研究也提出任務互依,用以調節衝突及開放性溝通之間的關係。而成員間的知識交換、以及團隊對任務的省思和任務模糊度等,在本研究皆被視為溝通後的產物,並最後決定了專案績效。本研究採用問卷調查法,以一個團隊為單一個樣本,用以驗證研究模型及研究假說。一個合格的樣本為正在進行IS發展任務的團隊,由團隊主管及其三位成員所回答的四份問卷所組成。問卷被設計成兩種版本,分別發給主管及成員,藉以避免共同方法變異(CMV)所帶來的偏誤。量表的發展經過了幾個嚴格的程序,包括了由研究者的問卷逐題檢查、逐題中文反向翻譯回英文,以及問卷前測發放。資料分析經集結成團隊層次(team level)後,採用結構化方式來檢驗;研究模式中依變數被解釋變異達到接受的程度,假說也大部份被接受。除了來自研究模式的發現,額外中介變數的分析,對與任務相關的溝通過程做進一步的瞭解;同時也由研究發現中,提供幾個管理意含建議給經理人。本研究最後根據分析結果,提出了任務溝通模式的概念架構,來解釋IS發展團隊內,成員在任務上溝通的過程及效果。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn general, people take it for granted that interpersonal conflict suppresses group performance. Although the diversity of personality leads to interpersonal incompatibility, it is not easy to assert that every type of conflict is not valuable. Even if opposite viewpoints lead to confrontation, it may well be the right moment for a team to review, reflect, and reconfirm any differences in opinion. Interpersonal conflicts are important factors influencing the group processes in IT project. Modern IT/IS projects are so complex that developing teams often need to clarify task ambiguity through task-related reflexes and knowledge exchange. Based on a review of literature and observations in practice, this study applies Gladstein’s task group effectiveness model to IT project development. The model mainly posits that the group process may lead to group effectiveness. More specifically, group processes are series of intra-group interaction to transform resources into group effectiveness, such as performance, satisfaction, and potency. This study proposes that relational conflict impedes the communication processes, whereas task conflict may induce constructive controversy contingently, in turn, facilitating group processes. This study proposes two factors moderating the relationship between conflict and intra-team communications, namely, team member’s conflict management style and task interdependence. Moreover, knowledge exchange among team members, team reflexivity toward task, and the ambiguity of task are identified as consequences of interpersonal conflict. In addition, the characteristics of group processes will influence IT project performance. Questionnaire survey, in which a team is treated as a sample, is applying to test the research model and hypotheses. A qualified sample consists of responses from a team leader 3 associated team members, from the same team currently engaging in IS developing projects. Two versions of the questionnaires were designed, for the leader and member respectively, to avoid common method biases. Scales were developed through a rigorous procedure, including content verification by researchers, backward translation by two English teachers, and pilot test by fifteen teams and its members. After aggregating individual-level data into team-level, Structured Equation Model was adopted for model testing. Results supported most of the hypothesis in the proposed model. Finally, a conceptual model of task communication is proposed based on the findings to clarify intra-team communication processes and effectiveness of IS developing teams. en_US
DC.subjectIT projecten_US
DC.subjectinterpersonal conflicten_US
DC.subjectknowledge exchangeen_US
DC.subjectconflict management styleen_US
DC.subjectgroup processen_US
DC.titleConflict, Communication, and Performance in IS Developing Teamen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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