博碩士論文 90322073 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWan-Lun Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來由於城市工業化與都市化之形成,造成汽機車快速成長,使得都會區原有設計之道路容量已趨於飽和狀態,而呈現交通壅塞之情形。然而若要有效改善交通狀況,除增建道路外,就屬號誌控制為快速且即時之改善方法。 動態計算乃經由車輛偵測器蒐集交通資訊,於一段時間後傳回控制中心,經過流量預測之程序,作為線上時制分析軟體之輸入資料,再經由其快速運算後產生新時制計畫,於下個控制時段送至路口控制器加以執行。然而為能即時獲得交通資訊,偵測器扮演重要角色,因此偵測器佈設位置是否適當,將影響偵測所得之交通資料是否可用,亦可能影響時制計畫之成敗。 本研究係以一獨立路口為例,研擬動態計算控制策略架構,以C++程式語言構建幾種偵測器於不同埋設位置下之動態計算控制模式,並進行實測,以求得最佳時制計畫,而後利用時制執行之績效評估結果,探討動態計算策略實施前後之優缺;進而利用不同流量組合情況,測試動態計算策略中偵測器佈設之合適位置。 本研究是根據原始固定時制與動態計算中幾種偵測器佈設方式,藉由實測與流量測試運算所獲得之新時制計畫,透過績效評估,進行結果分析比較,歸納出結論與建議,期作為實際應用之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, because of the forming of the city industrialization and urbanization, causes the fast growth in automobiles and motorcycles, makes the original capacity for the metropolitan become saturated, and presents the situation of traffic jam. However, if we want to improve the traffic effectively, the speedily and immediately developable approach is to raise the signal control except to raise the road. The dynamic timing computation strategy collects the traffic flow by detector, and sends back to the control center after a while. Through the procedure of the flow prediction, it could be used as the input data for the software of on-line signal timing analysis. And then generates the new signal timing plan after its fast operation, it is also send to the local controller and executed in the next timing control. However, in order to acquire the traffic flow immediately, the detector is playing a very important role. Hence, is the location of the detector suitable? That will affect the utility of the information from the detector, and also may affect the success or failure of the signal timing plan. In this paper we make an isolated intersection as an example. In order to acquire the best signal timing plan, we simulate the structure of the dynamic timing computation strategy, and we use the C++ language to build several kinds of dynamic timing computation models in different sites of the detectors. Then we compare the performance of execution, and evaluate the outcome. Moreover, we utilize the different flow situation, in order to find out the suitable sites of the detectors. We accomplish this paper by using the fixed timing and the different sites of the detectors in dynamic timing computation strategy. We expect the conclusion and the suggestions could be applied.en_US
DC.subjectIsolated Intersectionen_US
DC.subjectDynamic Timing Computatioen_US
DC.titleSignal Control at Isolated Intersection with Dynamic Timing Computation Strategyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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