博碩士論文 90325004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHao-Yun Kaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract 民國92年1月13日,立法院三讀通過營造業法,讓原本營造業的法源依據從行政命令躍升至法律位階。相較於營造業管理規則,營造業法之變革有諸多特色,但其中最重要的,即為營造業法將「技術士」的角色納入營造業體系中。此舉之內涵,除可增進工程品質與提升營造業整體技術水準外,更可藉由技術士之工程經驗協助專任工程人員與工地主任進行施工控管,進而落實營造產業之有效管理與增進公共福祉。 技術士制度引入營造業,其所面臨之最大問題,即為制度運行時必會和專任工程人員與工地主任的權責發生衝突、重疊,甚至是三者都忽略的灰色地帶。因此,本研究之首要著眼點,即藉由彙整國內營造業專業技術人員歷來之問題態樣,對現行營造業法下之專任工程人員、工地主任與技術士進行權責劃分,進而釐定技術士之定位與其應盡義務。 其次,本研究訪談相關單位或公(協)會以及參與多次座談會,並藉由蒐集現有行政院勞工委員會之相關資料,除對營造業法之專業工程施工範疇、現有相關技術士職類與新增職類之內涵提出說明及建議外,並探討技術士之資格、義務、責任、設置之法律背景與比率基準;最後,藉由歷來專業技術人員之函釋推估未來技術士在制度執行上可能發生之問題態樣,以利主管機關制訂相關法令時做為參考之依據。 此外,本研究除期盼主管機關能儘速制訂營造業技術士之相關法令外,亦希望主管機關能針對現行營造業法條文之缺失或不足之處予以修正或新增,並能會同行政院勞工委員會與相關公(協)會儘速制訂相關技術士之技能檢定規範與相關配套措施,進而健全營造業技術士制度之內涵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOne of the most important features of the newly passed Construction Industry Law is to incorporate registered technician into the construction system. This new feature not only can improve the quality of construction and promote the technology standard of the entirely construction industry but also will use the experience of registered technicians to help controlling the quality of construction. Public safety as well as the general image of construction is surely improved, too. The new system also introduces new problems. The biggest problem is the potential conflicts faced by registered technicians; See my writing overlap or maybe ignore some areas, which cause from obligation with the professional engineer and the site superintendent. The main session of this research is to adjust the problems which happened in the past and redefine the obligation of the professional engineer, the site superintendent and the registered technician. The next session of this research is to interview related units, organizations and join informal discussion meetings. After collecting data from the labor community and giving advices and suggestions we also discuss the background of registered technician’s qualification, responsibility and duty. At last by analyzing the feedback from the experienced registered technician, we can estimate problem that might happen in the future and help to the government establishing the law. Besides, in this research we not only hope the government can edit the related laws with the registered technician but we also hope the government can re-edit the present Construction Industry Law and promote the whole registered technician system of the construction industry. For example, overlapping of responsibilities may exist between registered technicians and professional engineers. This causes ignorance of obligation. The relationship between registered technicians and the site superintendent may be affected, amplifying the tension of supervision. The main purpose of this work is to foretell possible problems lead by the new system by reviewing procedural details of similar systems. This work employs sources of interviews, literature and massive mandate interpretations given by the authority agency, in order to contrast the likely scenario likely to be encountered. The work also gives length concerning the background of registered technician’s qualification, obligation and duty. At last, by analyzing the feedback from experienced registered technicians, some preliminary results are produced. Another key aim of this work is to provide suggestions concerning what may be amended, enriched, complemented or removed in the new law, particularly concerning the establishment of registered technician system.en_US
DC.subjectRegistered Technicianen_US
DC.subjectConstruction Industry Lawen_US
DC.subjectProfessional Engineeren_US
DC.titleThe Research of Setting up Registered Technician of Professional Engineering’s Major Working Items under the Construction Industry Lawen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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