博碩士論文 90332008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Ling Kuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對營建工程生命週期中的規劃、設計作業而言,如何運用現有人力資源,以快速、有效、最節省成本的方法指派工作並於工作期限內完成,實為設計團隊決策者之重要課題。在以往多憑經驗以人工方式指派,此方式在單純設計作業或可勝任,但在工作分類較多、工作期限及時程要求均不同時,則往往顧此失彼,浪費人力資源、增加成本。本研究針對設計作業之個別需求及條件,利用整數規劃最佳化模式;求得工作時間區間內,各設計作業人員執行各專案、工作項目之指派工作,提供設計團隊決策者指派人員之參考。 本研究建構之整數規劃數學模式,導入廣義模式及不均質性的指派觀念。在實際之執行過程中當限制條件改變時,可隨時依最新條件調整參數,重新規劃指派模式。另經由本研究之敏感度分析機制,設計團隊決策者可依據各參數之敏感度變化趨勢,主動調整各工作項目之人員指派工作,以配合限制條件。甚至可重新檢討局部時段的作業成本,進而考量依各專案、工作項目辦理轉包或分包之依據,以達到充分利用人力資源、節省成本的目的。本研究之模式較適合中、小型設計團隊執行中、短期之設計作業人員指派問題。 在求解方法上,本模式依各專案、工作項目不同的工作時程及工作時段時數限制,訂定各限制式之參數,輸入LINGO 7.0套裝軟體即可直接輸出最經濟之設計作業人員指派模式。本研究係以模擬之設計團隊同時執行數個設計作業為範例測試,並比較本研究模式與人工經驗指派方式之績效差異,結果顯示成效良好。本研究內容可靈活運用於指派問題,顯然較具實用性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs for a planning and an engineering on its life period of an infrastructure, it is a major issue for those who are policy-making on an engineering teamwork, that is how to wield currently manpower resource with swift, effective and the most expenditure-saving work assignment and having accomplished within a period. In the past, in light of staff assignment on their experience, this way might be qualified on a simple-designed, but, we supposed to on ample working classifications period and date demand are large various, it may occur frequently that having too many things to take care of at the same time, causing they waste manpower resource and increasing their cost. This study is coped with design procedure demand individual and some conditions to utilize an optimal model of integer programming, that is providing within a working interval for each designer to conduct his own project, working assignment also providing those who are policy-making on an engineering teamwork as a conference to assign. This study develops an integer programming model, to derive into a macro-model and unsymmetrical assignment concepts. As a confined conditions having been changed on practical conducting, will have adjusted its parameter according to the latest conditions, also, renewed its planning assignment model. Due to this study’s sensitive analyses mechanism, that make a design teamwork’s policy-making person could according to each parameter’s trend of sensitive changing, to adjust actively each working assignment, also, which is in accordance with a confined condition. It might be re-evaluated the cost of partial period and considered each project, working items as a ground for contractual transmission or subcontract, that is to facilitate fully manpower resource utilized, to save expenditure purposely, also. This study’s model is more suitable medium-small sized engineering teamwork conducting on medium-short team’s designer assignment issues. On resolutions, this model is according to each project, various working date and confined working period and hours, also, to figure out each restricted-type parameters which are been keyed in LINGO 7.0 packaged software, to facilitate output directly on the most economy designer’s assignment model. In light of this study is simulated an engineering teamwork conducting few engineering works at the same time as a model test and comparison with the performance differences between this study models and human’s experience assignment, its results have showed up an out-perfornance. This study’s content might have wielded in assignment issues energetically, obviously. It showed more pragmatical than the others.en_US
DC.subjectInteger Programmingen_US
DC.subjectManpower Resourceen_US
DC.subjectStaff Assignmenten_US
DC.subjectOptimal Modelen_US
DC.titleA Model for Optimizing Designer Allocationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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