博碩士論文 90332013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYun-Zhong Yanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 橋梁隨著建設路網飽和,因而老舊橋梁愈來愈多,此時橋梁重點由新建轉成維護,在橋梁邁入高齡化的時代後,橋梁功能及服務品質因材料劣老化而下降,加上天災如颱風、地震、水害,人禍如盜採河川砂石、偷工減料等,均增加橋梁損壞之潛在危險,此時倘未採取適當管理機制,恐日後發生橋災,造成國家、個人重大成本甚或生命付出,由此可見橋梁維護在未來之重要性,然查國內橋梁主管機關多,過去無一全國性主管單位,無統一之維護制度、養護技術規範及養護維修經費編列標準,致各維護機關各自為政,因而養護成效不彰。 政府有鑑於此,行政院根據民國八十四年五月九日之公共建設督導會報決議,責成交通部進行各項橋梁安全維護作業計畫,訂定管理政策原則後,全國各相關單位相繼投入開發,然因仍欠缺一致性之管理標準,因而交通部委託中央大學再開發「台灣地區橋梁管理系統」,整合各單位資料,提供各管理單位使用統一之相同管理系統,並委請顧問公司於九十二年初完成公路養護手冊編訂,發交各單位使用,以上措施係希望透過統一的系統化管理機制來提昇橋梁維護績效。 本研究即以公路總局及所管理公路橋梁為例,先就目前的橋梁維護查檢機制進行了解與檢討,尋求提昇橋檢成效方法,並冀望透過非破壞檢測來補足橋檢目視功能不足處,透過以上目視橋檢與非破壞檢測了解橋梁損壞因子後,於橋梁生命週期各階段採取防範對策,方是橋梁維護治本之道,惟因橋梁數量多,如何就劣化狀況做一全盤了解與經費維修順序決策,實需仰賴電腦,故就現行公路總局採用之橋梁管理系統(BMS)進行檢討提出改進意見,以對橋梁維護管理發揮加倍功效;又就需維修的橋梁提出較符實際的概算經費編列方式,期能在來年有充裕維修經費,不致屆時經費東挪西挪;另在現行三級品管架構下,設計一橋梁查核機制,並透過問卷後AHP權重分析,制定一量化評分表來評定維護績效。希望本研究所擬各項對策能提昇橋梁維護績效達到橋梁延壽目的外,更期能提供後續相關研究參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract More and more old bridges are emerged since the transportation web is reaching to a saturation level. In the past, we put emphasis on building new bridges, but now the focus has been turned to how to maintain the old ones. The function and service quality of the bridges are going down, not only because those bridges have been used for a certain period of time, but also catastrophes, such as typhoon, earthquake, flood and damages by human beings like steeling sand, stones or using inadequate materials, which are all the factors that put bridges safety at risk. If we don’t take up proper management strategy at this crucial moment, enormous losses will be inevitable. Now we realize the importance of bridge maintenance, but we can not see any organization which can take full responsibility and do the country-wide planning with a grand perspective. In view of the seriousness of the problem, Consecutive Yuan authorized Transportation Department and National Central University to develop a project called “ Bridge Management Systems in Taiwan”, hoping to supply a system which can be put into use throughout the country. Meanwhile, a consulting company is assigned to compile and publish “Road Maintenance” brochures in the early 2003. These brochures are passed out to related departments. Due to the huge quantity of bridges in our country, we need to rely on computer technology to get an overall understanding and maintenance budget of the deterioration of the bridges. This research is based on the operation system of THB and those bridges taken charged by THB. The study begins at analyzing current bridge maintenance system and then seek for methods to enhance bridge inspection effectiveness. Furthermore, this research also hopes to remedy the bridge visual inspection by non-destructive inspection. There are several issues are included in this research: First, submit constructive opinions on reflection of present situation and how to improve it. Second, make practical budget estimate and arrangement for bridge maintenance. Third, design a bridge verification system under current quality control structure and draw up a quantized evaluation form through questionaires and AHP analysis to assess and maintain performance. At last, take precautions at each step in the bridges’ life cycle according to the results produced in the previous stages. To sum up, this study aims at promoting maintenance effectiveness of the bridges in order to prolong the bridges’ life. Hopefully, it can also be served as a reference for related researches later on.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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