博碩士論文 90433003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Fang Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 全球化企業風潮的興起,為了達到快速反應,提升競爭優勢,企業必須有效地整合上下游,成為一個完整的供應鏈,以期掌握即時有利的整合資訊,供決策參考。由於企業資源規劃系統能夠有效整合企業資源,且為供應鏈的基礎,因此,企業資源規劃系統已逐漸成為企業普遍採用的整合性資訊系統。而大約有90%以上的ERP系統導入個案超過預計的導入時程或預算,部分專案則在正常的導入工作下卻得到失敗的結果。失敗的原因,本研究假設是因為在一般文獻之中,大都偏向採用較為籠統的項目名稱,來指出導入ERP系統的關鍵成功因素,但對於執行時的過程應注意的事項,卻大都付之闕如。所以,如何才能掌握已知的關鍵成功因素,避免導入失敗,且若能透過其他企業之ERP系統導入經驗,來避免重蹈覆轍,將更有助於企業導入ERP系統的成功。 本研究欲達成的研究目的有下列幾點:1. 經由文獻彙總與整理,歸納出影響ERP導入過程及成效之因素,2. 由於Oracle ERP已成為世界上安裝數量第一多的ERP軟體,希望能透過此研究,瞭解Oracle ERP的架構與其導入方法論,3. 透過曾導入過Oracle ERP企業之訪談,比較分析各家企業導入之經驗及建議,找出導入Oracle ERP的關鍵成功因素,4. 實際瞭解訪談對象,對執行導入Oracle ERP系統時,所遭遇的問題及解決的方法,提供後續導入企業的參考。 本研究以透過曾導入過Oracle ERP系統的多家企業之訪談,進行分析與研究,藉由訪談個案,深入瞭解整個Oracle ERP系統導入的過程,可能會發生的問題與其解決之道;並透過對不同公司做法的瞭解,對Oracle ERP系統導入的過程及成效會產生什麼影響,提出影響Oracle ERP導入過程及成效的因素,及實際執行時應注意之事項,以做為未來欲導入Oracle ERP系統的企業參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The business globalization has become a mainstream. Because business needs fast response and has to raise its competitive advantage, the company must have a good supply chain to integrate customers and suppliers, so they can process updated information for the purpose of planning in advance. The Enterprise Resources Planning systems are the foundation of the supply chain, therefore, the ERP systems have been used wildly by many companies. Almost 90% of the ERP implementation projects exceed the planned time or budget, and some projects failed even the projects had followed the methodology. This thesis develops a hypothesis that even the literatures used perplexed contents and found the key success factors, they would just ignore these factors during implementing the ERP systems. So we must handle those key success factors, avoid failing, and try to learn from the companies successfully implementing ERP systems. This thesis has several purposes: (1) From the ERP systems related literatures, we summarize the effect of ERP implementation project and the critical success factors. (2) Oracle ERP had already been the most ERP system, hoping to know more about Oracle ERP’s structure and the implementation methodology. (3) To compare and analyze each company’s experience and analyze the suggestions from the interview with ones who had implemented Oracle ERP, and find out the key success factors they got. (4) Try to know more about the interviewer and how they handled the possible problems from the ERP implementation project, and give the companies the implications. This thesis has analyzed and studied from the interview, deeply understand all the Oracle ERP system’s implementation projects and the possible problems and the way of handling them. From the understanding of these companies, we gain insight from Oracle ERP system’s project and results, and the cautions when one’s really work on that. The results of this thesis can be used in the future for Oracle ERP system’s project’s references.en_US
DC.subjectCritical Success Factorsen_US
DC.subjectEnterprise Resource Planningen_US
DC.subjectKey Success Factorsen_US
DC.title導入Oracle ERP的關鍵成功因素之研究zh_TW
DC.titleThe key success factors of Oracle ERP implementationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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