博碩士論文 90433005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Ming Shaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 國防是建國根本,也是培植國力的泉源,現代國防並非僅以軍隊為憑藉,更需全體國民參與,方能發揮整體力量。為有效整合國內積蓄物資,行政院於民國90年11月14日頒發「全民防衛動員準備法」,期能集中全國人力、物力,建立全民防衛動員體系,以達廣儲戰力於民間之目的。 而物力動員之目的,主要在因應國家發生重大災變或面臨中共武力威脅時,能夠迅速徵集民間物資及設施,適時支援各項任務遂行,而物力調查蒐整作業是否嚴密與資料統計是否精準,則為物力動員工作成敗之關鍵。惟目前物資蒐整調查工作分由行政院各部會及各縣市政府負責,除蒐整之資料格式各異,又無有效整合機制,加上部份執行單位未能落實資料蒐集,導致物力動員所需之資料雜亂無章,造成國軍物資蒐整單位困擾,亦對未來物力動員工作之推展造成嚴重影響。為解決物力資料綜整問題,唯有建置資料倉儲系統,並以線上傳輸方式迅速蒐整各權責單位物力調查資料,方能提昇物力資料儲管品質。 為尋求系統建置之可行方案,本研究之初針對資料倉儲、資料挖掘及線上分析處理等領域的相關文獻、技術做一探討,另將目前市場各種商用資料倉儲產品做一分析比較,同時也協請國軍物力動員業管單位提供建置系統雛型所需參考之業務流程及數據資料;在系統規劃階段,本研究以Sybase I.W.S之系統開發架構為基礎,並在異質資料整合、系統查詢速度、系統未來擴充、系統建置費用等因素考量下,完成系統雛型製作,驗證了未來運用資料倉儲建置物力動員系統之重要性及可行性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract National defense is the foundation of establishing a country and the source of national power. Modern defense not only rely on armed forces but also all civil participants, therefore, total national power will be promoted. In order to effectively integrate domestic resources, Executive Yuan issued “Civil Defense Mobilization-Ready Act” on Nov. 14 2001. The purpose of Act is to integrate all domestic human, material resources into an all civil defense mobilization body. The plenty of strength will come from citizens. The purpose of resource mobilization is when our country meet severe disasters or Chinese Communist armed threat, we can quickly gather civil resources and facilities to timely support all tasks in war. It is a critical factor for successful resource mobilization whether the material resource data collection and statistics are correct or not. Currently, ministries of Executive Yuan, county and city governments are responsible for material resource data collection. There are many different formats from collected data, and no consistent format mechanism. Furthermore, the cause of confused material resource data is that the proper authorities can’t thoroughly collect data. It not only bothers military resource collecting units but also future resource mobilization task enforcement. To solve inconsistent material resource data, we create a data warehouse, and can quickly collect all the authorities’ resource data by the way of online data communication. The quality of data storage and management will be improved. In order to seek optimal solution about system architecture, we study the literatures focused on data warehouse, data mining, and online analysis process (OLAP) technologies at the beginning of this paper. We also compare with a variety of commercial data warehouse products. In the meantime, we request military mobilization authorities to provide workflow and data needed in protyping system. In system planning stage, this paper system developmen is based on Sybase I.W.S. The protyping system will be finished in terms of heterogeneous data integration, system query speeding, future system extensibility, and expense on system installation. All above steps will verify significance and feasibility in exploiting data warehouse to develop material mobilization system.en_US
DC.subjectData Miningen_US
DC.subjectOnline Analysis Processen_US
DC.subjectData Warehouseen_US
DC.titleThe Application of Data Warehouse Technology inMaterials Mobilization Management Information Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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