博碩士論文 90443011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYung-Yu Shihen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract職場上的人們最重要的長期目標之一是要獲得生涯成功, 生涯成功可以使得人們滿足於社會與經濟的需求。特別是專業人員,一方面他們面臨高度壓力的工作環境,使得他們往往是屬於離職率較高的族群。但是仍有人在這樣的環境下,不但適應良好,甚至獲得生涯成功。是那些關鍵因素顯著影響生涯成功? 本研究透過兩階段問卷調查方式,第一階段比較兩種心意充滿問卷MAAS及KIMS,經過信度分析後,決定採用MAAS量表。第二階段則以434位中高階主管、資管人員及台灣國際專案管理師協會會員為對象,從心意充滿及情緒智能這兩個構面,研究它們是否會影響生涯成功?經過資料分析後,發現情緒智能的確會正向影響生涯成功,而心意充滿則沒有得到支持。本研究的迴歸分析中Adj. R2偏低,這是因為影響生涯成功的因素相當多,而本研究所討論的心意充滿與情緒智能只能解釋一部分的因素,所以R2偏低,但是從整體迴歸顯著性仍可看出情緒智能對生涯成功是有影響的。 進一步各別去看情緒智能的四個子構面,發現關係管理對所有的生涯成功指標均無顯著影響,自我察覺只對主觀的生涯滿意,社會察覺只對客觀的昇遷速度及平均年收入,而自我管理則對所有的生涯成功指標均有顯著影響。因此,專業人員若能加強心意充滿與情緒智能,將可增加生涯成功的機會。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOne of the most important long-term goals for people in workplace is to have a career success. Having a career success makes people satisfied in terms of social and economic needs. Especially for the professionals, on the one hand, the high turnover rate caused by competitive and stressful working environment seems to imply the successful career is very hard to reach. On the other hand, the presence of successful professionals does justify the path to success is indeed there. To be successful in career, what are the key factors which will significantly influence the career success? To answer the question, this study conducted a two-stage survey. At the first stage, this study compared MAAS and KIMS mindfulness questionnaire and decided to adopt MAAS scale for the higher score in reliability analysis. At the second stage, 434 executives, MIS professionals and members of Institute of Taiwan Project Management were invited to participate in this survey for investigating whether mindfulness and emotional intelligence will affect career success. The research result shown that mindfulness and emotional intelligence have a positive effect on career success. With the relatively low adjust R square in regression analysis, it implies that there are still many other factors not identified in this study and the mindfulness and emotional intelligence can only explain partial variance of career success. Statistically, only emotional intelligence has significant impact on the career success. Further analyzing the four sub-dimensions of emotional intelligence, with statistical significance, this study found that relationship management has no impact on all indicators of career success; self-aware has positive impact on the subjective career satisfaction; social aware has positive impact on objective promotion speed and average annual income, and self-management has positive impact on all indicators of career success. It is concluded that if the professionals can strengthen their mindfulness and emotional intelligence, the possibility of making success in career will be significantly increased. en_US
DC.subjectemotional intelligenceen_US
DC.subjectcareer successen_US
DC.titleImpact of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence on Career Successen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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