博碩士論文 91121012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Tsun Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract壇經是中國禪宗最重要的一部經典,一般認為,它的作者是唐代的禪宗六祖惠能大師(638-713)。這部經典是由惠能的弟子法海所編輯而成的,但是現在我們已經無法看到這個最初的壇經版本了。元朝時有僧人宗寶所編的宗寶本,宗寶本刊於西元1291年,它是宗寶根據所見三個不同的壇經版本所編輯而成的改編本,約有20000字。約莫同時,又有所謂的德異本,德異本與宗寶本其實大同小異,這兩個本子在元朝以後成了中國最為通行的壇經版本。 西元1923年,日本學者矢吹慶輝(1879-1939)偶然在大英博物館發現了一個約12000字的壇經古寫本,即所謂的敦煌本,此本的底本是唐本。此外,西元1933年,日本的安宅彌吉以珂羅版影印了一個日本新發現的興聖寺藏本,它的底本是北宋的惠昕本。由於唐宋諸本壇經陸續被發現,世人始訝異於壇經版本的複雜與多樣性,根據一位日本學者的初步估計,歷代的壇經知見版本至少在30種以上,因此也引發幾波中外學界對壇經版本及禪宗史的研究熱潮。然而由於文獻不足徵的緣故,所以許多知名的前輩學者也不免對諸本壇經版本源流,作出些錯誤的假設或判斷。緣此,筆者這本論文有兩個重要的目的:一是更正前輩學者們的誤解之處;二是提出自己的看法,以及其他關於壇經版本以及禪宗史上的新發現。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMandala Sutra(壇經)is commonly known as the most important writing of Chinese Ch’an Buddhism(中國禪宗). And as commonly known,the author is Huineng(惠能638-713)who was a famous monk in the Tang dynasty—the great master of Chinese Ch’an Buddhism—to be honored with title 「the Six Patriarch」(六祖). As commonly believed,the original Mandala Sutra was collected and edited by Huineng’s student,Farhai(法海).But now the original version has been disappeared we could not see it anymore . Since 1291,the most common and popular version is Zongbao version(宗寶本)which was publish in 1291 . Besides,there still have another version so called Deyi version(德異本)in the Yuan dynasty which was published in 1290 . In fact,Zongbao version and Deyi version are almost the same . Zongbao version comprises a total of some 20,000 Chinese characters which was edited and published by a monk in the Yuan dynasty,Zongbao .It is a re-edited version from three different kind of ancient Mandala Sutra versions . We don’t actually know what those there versions are. Maybe some of them may have already disappeared. In 1923,a Japanese Buddhist scholar,Keiki Yibuki(矢吹慶輝1879-1939)unexpectedly discovered an ancient version of Mandala Sutra which contains about 12,000 characters at the British Museum. This version is commonly known as Dunhuang version(敦煌本).Besides,in 1933,Huixin version(惠昕本) had been republished by the way of collotype which was discovered in a temple of Japan. By the discovery of ancient versions,People therefore realized that Mandala Sutra not only has variety versions but also has many different system among these versions. According to a Japanese scholar’s calculation,there are over 30 kind of versions of Mandala Sutra have been discovered or have been known. These versions can be further divided into some major groups. But it is not a easy job,for the sake of the literature lacks,many famous scholars made some wrong conclusions and also made some mistakes when they divided the system of groups. Based on this reason,This dissertation have two main purposes. First,I try to correct the mistakes from the former scholars. Secondly,I try to express my opinions and new discovery.en_US
DC.subjectMandala Sutraen_US
DC.subjectCh’an Buddhismen_US
DC.titleA survey about versions of Mandala Sutraen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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