博碩士論文 91141006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Yan Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文試圖整理並論析台灣戰後的現代詩論戰,希望為現代詩論戰史留下一個可供參考的基本資料,並提出一個較全面的看法。現代詩的「論戰」是現代詩文類知識不同主張之間互動協調的過程。現代詩文類知識在現代詩場域中被建構,並且與生產知識的學術組織、傳播媒體,甚至於政治、經濟等權力場域社會結構,都有密不可分的關連性。透過論戰的回顧,可窺見現代詩場域建構的過程,並發現其中有三個詮釋社群對台灣現代詩的詮釋影響深遠,分別是古典抒情詮釋社群、現代主義詮釋社群、本土寫實詮釋社群。他們各自抱持自己的文學理念,在現代詩場域中互相批判,不斷鞏固自身並推翻對方在場域中的權力位置。 本文將現代詩論戰以時間脈絡排列,根據論戰主題的相似以及外在社會環境的變化交互考量,將現代詩論戰史分成三個時期:第一個時期是場域成形期(1956~1961),現代詩人以論戰回應詩壇外部的批判,同時透過論戰整合詩壇內部共識,凝聚並強調前衛的風氣,在此階段,現代主義詮釋社群表現最突出,古典抒情詮釋社群則逐漸成形。第二個時期是文化轉型期(1971~1977),由於國際情勢遽變,台灣文化也隨之轉型,左翼思想在台灣開始出現,要求文學重視社會的呼聲不斷升高,在此階段,現代主義詮釋社群的勢力一度衰弱,古典抒情詮釋策略的地位大為提高,而本土寫實詮釋社群開始出現。第三個時期是詮釋權爭奪期(1981~1997),此期現代詩人無須再為現代詩的合法性辯護,爭奪現代詩詮釋權成為此期論戰的重點,透過鼓吹後現代主義,加上學術界的肯定,現代主義詮釋社群的影響力回升;本土寫實詮釋社群從社會關懷轉向強調本土化,影響力到達新的高峰;由於過去長期教育影響,受到讀者接受的古典抒情詮釋社群逐漸與大眾流行文化結合。 回顧現代詩論戰史,本文試圖說明論戰中的不同立場都有有其歷史的特殊性,試著理解不同時代下的多數人,感受並理解他們所遭遇的生活經驗,不輕易排斥特定的意識形態,用更寬廣的角度看待現代詩論戰歷史。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation attempts to sort out and analyse the post-war modern poetry in Taiwan, founding a resourceful base as well as comprehensive outlook for the history of modern poetry polemics. The “modern poetry polemics” is a process where the different genres of modern poetry interact and negotiate. The knowledge to the genres of modern poetry is constituted in the field of modern poetry, and it is closely and strongly connected to the academic organisations of knowledge production, to the media, as well as to the political, economic, and social power structure. Through the review of “modern poetry polemics”, it enables us to witness the process of constitution in the modern poetry field. From the review, we see there are three interpretation communities that have profound influences toward the interpretations of modern poetry in Taiwan: classical lyrical interpretation, Modernist interpretation, and local Realist interpretation. These three different communities hold varied ideas toward literature, and criticise one another in the field of modern poetry, trying to strengthen itself and subvert the other two in the power structure. This dissertation will arrange the “modern poetry polemics” in historical order, interweaving the transformations of social environment and the similarities of the themes. Thus the history of the “modern poetry polemics” is divided into three phases. The first phase is “the Formation of the Field” (1956-1961), in which the Modernist poets respond the criticism outside the poetry field while they cohere their avant-garde stance through inner polemics. In this phase, the Modernist interpretation community stands out, and the classical lyrical interpretation community is under formation. The second phase is “the Cultural Transformation” (1971-1977). Due to the great dramatic changes of international environment, the Modernist interpretation community once loses its glamour, and the status of classical lyrical interpretation community is greatly hailed. In the meanwhile, the local Realist emerges. The third phase is “the Contention for the Power of Interpretation” (1981-1997). In this phase, the Modernist poets need not to defend for the legitimacy of modernist poetry. The contention for the power in interpreting modern poetry is the centre of polemics in this phase. The Modernist interpretation community regains its influence with the rise of Post-modernism as well as the recognitions from the academia. The local Realist interpretation community turns from social concerns to localization, reaching the highlight of its influence. And because of the impact of education in the past, the classical lyrical interpretation community has gradually combined with the popular culture. This dissertation reviews the history of “modern poetry polemics”, attempting to illustrate the historical singularities of varied stances, trying to understand the majority of people and their life experiences in different eras. This dissertation does not exclude any specific ideology, hoping to examine the history of modern poetry in broader ways.en_US
DC.subjectmodern poetryen_US
DC.subjectcultural hegemonyen_US
DC.titleA Study on "Modern Poetry Polemics" in Postwar Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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