博碩士論文 91236013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Wen Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 近年來遠距教學結合資訊技術(IT)與顯示技術的發展已逐漸普遍於各種社會教育到高等教育之中,也拉近了城鄉學校的差異,其中對於視訊設備的要求也越來越高,尤其是應用於教室中的顯示裝置更是有著尺寸大、亮度高的需求。 本研究將著重設計適合遠距教學用之顯示裝置,使其顯示裝置能滿足下列幾點需求:(a)至少能滿足60人觀看的顯示螢幕尺寸,(b)顯示裝置之亮度需至少滿足300 nit,(c) 顯示裝置的光源壽命至少大於兩年,和(d) 顯示裝置之穩定性高並價格低廉。 在本論文中利用一個雙燈光源的架構,並結合數位微鏡式投影系統以完成一個應用於遠距教學的投影顯示裝置。首先利用兩個拋物面燈耦合成為一個雙燈光源的系統並模擬且實際驗證其雙燈系統的效率後,再利用E’tendue 及幾何光學公式計算出照明系統的初始架構,並且再利用ZEMAX對照明系統進行優化,最後選擇適合的投影鏡頭及整體架構,結合照明系統與成像系統完成此設計並實機驗證,其中並詳盡的介紹每一個光學元件的工作原理。 在本論文的最後,提出一個的新架構的雙燈光源系統,經過模擬結果分析後有更高的輸出效率,用以因應更高亮度的需求。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The long-distance teaching combines the information technology in recent years (IT) With showing the development of technology has already got generally in higher education in various kinds of social education gradually, furthering the difference of the school in urban and rural areas too, among them the demand for the video-information equipment is higher and higher, apply display device of classroom have size heavy, luminance high demand even more especially. Whether research this design suitable long-distance teaching spend it display device, make it show device can meet the following some demand emphatically. (a)Can meet 60 display screen size that people watch at least, (b) Show the luminance of the device needs to satisfy 300 nit at least, (c) It show light source life-time of device at least it greater than on the two year,and (d) Show the stability of the device is high and cheap. Utilize one pairs of structure, light of source among thesis this, combine DLP system with finish one apply projection of long-distance teaching show the device. Utilize two parabola light coupling become one pairs of system and simulation, light of source and prove behind the the efficiency, light of system actually at first, and then utilize E’’ tendue and geometrical optics formula to calculate out the initial structure of the lighting system, and utilize ZEMAX to optimize the lighting system again, choose the suitable projection lens and whole structure finally, this is designed and the real machine is verified to combine the lighting system and formation of image and finish systematically, operation principle of exhaustive introduction every optics component among them. In end of thesis this, propose piece of new pairs of light source systems of structure, output efficiency on after imitating the result to analyse it have it is higher, use because should high light demand.en_US
DC.titleDual lights of projection devices are applied to the research of the distance educationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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