博碩士論文 91325009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorkou-chen loen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract政府採購法部分條文修正案業經立法院三讀通過,並於九十一年二月六日由總統公布施行,其中替代方案之規定亦在本次修訂範圍內。修訂後之政府採購法第三十五條規定機關招標時得允許廠商在不降低原有功能條件下,可提出縮減工期、減省經費或提高效率之替代方案。變更原規定「於決標前」之時間條件限制,以擴大替代方案之適用範圍。然而對工程採購過程中,替代方案之提出是否能順利推行,其因素需考量與替代方案之相關審查及決標程序必須合理及完備。因此環視經修正之替代方案實施辦法中對於可允許投標廠商可就原設計提出替代方案之範圍並無一明確之規定外,對於允許廠商提出替代方案之先期資格審查程序及替代方案技術審查等程序並無提出明確之規定及相關施行細則。 透過國內外相關文獻資料及透過專家訪談之結論,並檢討替代方案實施條文中對於規定不清楚之相關評選程序及作業流程予以建立架構,並結合系統分析之理念,建立替代方案之評選模式。並建立替代方案作業流程之探討:結合上述各項結論,擬定承商研提替代方案之招標作業流程及工程主辦機關對於替代方案審查程序之相關條款及規定。 替代方案實施辦法中就允許廠商於決標前提出替代方案之程序規定中,對於如替代方案之初審方式、審查程序以及決標方式之規定尚藏身在替代方案實施辦法之薄紗後,因此本研究為避免替代方案在執行過程中由於程序規定之不明確處,使採購流程因為廠商對採購作業程序之不服提出異議、申訴,導致採購程序之延宕,甚至造成承辦人員及廠商因而背上法律責任。故本研究以期能制定出公平、有效率之作業程序之相關施行細則,以為各工程機關執行替代方案時可資遵循之準則,達到採購作業能夠在公平 公正 有效率之情況下完成之目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractClause 35 of Government Procurement Law’s revision relaxes the provision of alternative both in bidding and after award stages. This change of regulation affords contractors a good chance of profit-making when alternatives are reviewed and accepted. Given the status quo, the recent change has encourage contractors in one hand, yet put procurement officers in mire situation on the other. In the interviews of this study, it is found that most officers still lack adequate procedural guidelines in posting, reviewing and awarding bids with alternatives. It is the belief in this work that some concrete guidelines are necessary before the goal of the regulation change can be met. This work has dealt in depth with current practices of managing alternatives by a series of interviews and literature research. The general procedure of bidding and procurement when allowing the presentation of alternatives is broken down into detailed steps. Each step is critically analyzes to seek ways of accelerating the process, yet easing the effort of management by procurement officers. The idea is to maintain feasibility while pushing procedural efficiency and transparency to the limit. The findings of this work is latter brought to experts in bidding management for verification and comments. A final tuning of the proposed detailed procedure is then adjusted. The merit of this work is to avoid the uncertainty of bid protests when alternatives are warranted in bidding. The key contribution lies in enhancing of supplementing the current regulation. Thus, procurement officers are keener in operating the bidding procedure, if alternatives are envision in government procurement. It is also suggested that some findings of this work can be included in future rounds of regulation modification.en_US
DC.subjectpublic worksen_US
DC.subjectGovernment Procurement Lawen_US
DC.subjectbid alternativeen_US
DC.subjectprocurement officeren_US
DC.titleStudy On Bid and Qualification Procedures for Construction Alternative Projectsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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