博碩士論文 91332026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJun-Li Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究擬從檢討分析台北地區現有中高層集合住宅施工建築造價,進而由實際之案例中建立適合台北地區中高層集合住宅建築造價之預測模式,以填補建築業者於造價粗估階段中較欠缺之快速及準確的估算方式。並希望藉由本次得之不易之案例,探討各分項工程對建物造價之影響情形及建立建築估算中之分項工程百分比與相關權重比等量化數據,此即本研究之主要目的。 本研究預期完成之具體成果如下: 1. 藉由25個案例經迴歸分析方程式試算出九大分項工程迴歸方程式,作為預測建築造價之工具。 2. 該方程式復經20個預設測試案例與25個實例驗證後,其結果接近中價位區段之造價;並透過係數之建立,解決因土地價值而影響建物造價之社會現象。 3. 由25個案例所試算出之各分項工程佔有百分比、相關工項對應面積之權重比及單位造價,可望提供日後估算或數量檢核之依據。 4. 從估價、設計及施工階段了解影響建築工程成本之因素,並探討解決時機與方案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper intends to develop an evaluation procedure (Cost Model) for use in the tender stage of intermediate-high community building projects. By way of analysis of currently available cost data obtained from the existing projects in the Taipei area, the author has successfully established this evaluation procedure from actual experiences, and verified that the procedure is applicable to all the similar projects here in Taipei. Further to the foregoing, this paper addresses the distribution ratio of cost occupation by various sub-activities in a building project from the historical data obtained from past projects, and it tries to conclude how far they affect the overall cost from each sub-activity. The contribution from this paper is concluded as follows: 1. Establishment of the evaluation procedure for the cost of building projects, in which there are 9 Mathematical formulae derived by way of regression analysis from the historical cost data of 25 previous projects. 2. Verification of these formulae applicable to the projects with a reasonably intermediate-high price. To minimize the degree of affection to the building cost by the cost of land, this paper has successfully established a coefficient system. 3. To facilitate future quantity surveying and checking, this paper concludes a reasonable distribution ratio in connection with the occupied areas, and unit cost for each sub-activity from 25 historical cases. 4. Reviewing the factors affecting the project cost in tendering, design, and construction stages, and their proposed disposition.en_US
DC.subjectRegression Analysisen_US
DC.subjectProject Costen_US
DC.subjectCommodity Inden_US
DC.title建築工程造價之預測與探討 (以大台北地區RC集合住宅為例)zh_TW
DC.titleNONE en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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