博碩士論文 91342020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-ting Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract永續營建的推動,在世界各國已逐漸蔚為潮流,在臺灣亦漸為政府、學術單位及民間業者所重視。為了提供營建各領域參與者可以共同描述一個國家在永續營建推動成效的工具,本研究應用最大值-最小值模糊德菲法及模糊層級分析法,透過國際專家問卷方式,建立了國家層級的永續營建評估指標架構,包含總體表現-面向-核心群組-指標類別-指標等五個階層。總體表現係以永續營建指數來呈現,其下共包含環境、社會及經濟等3大面向、10個核心群組、33個指標類別,並決定出各面向、核心群組及指標類別的權重,可為各國在永續營建評估上加以應用,並依據該國家的特性及需求建立本土性的評估指標。   本研究在所建立完成的永續營建指標架構下,依臺灣的特性及需求建立適合臺灣的永續營建評估指標共77項,同時進行評估指標的實證,惟受限於指標統計資料的完整性,僅能蒐集到55項指標的統計資料,據以進行指標的向上合成與永續營建指數的計算,以及分析個別指標、指標類別、核心群組、面向、以及總體成效的發展趨勢。研究結果顯示,有15項指標、4項指標類別及2項核心群組處於持續向下發展的背離永續趨勢,應特別關注並加強相關政策及措施的推動。   在各面向及永續營建整體成效的發展趨勢方面,除經濟永續指數在2008及2009年稍有下降外,其餘環境永續指數及社會永續指數均為上升趨勢。合成的永續營建指數自2005年起,呈現逐年微幅上升的發展趨勢,顯見臺灣在永續營建的推動上,經由55項指標的整體評估,呈現出邁向永續的正向發展成果。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo keep pace with global trends in sustainable development, the construction industry worldwide also needs to examine their practices for sustainability. In Taiwan, the government, academia and construction industry have been placed importance on promotion of sustainable construction. In order to provide a tool for all parties in the industry to describe a nation’s performance on sustainable construction, a framework for the assessment of state-level sustainable construction is established. The framework consists of five layers, from bottom to top: the indicator; the indicator category; the core cluster; the theme; and the overall performance. The max–min fuzzy Delphi method is employed to identify the proper items of each layer. In addition, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is applied to determine the weight of items in each layer. Finally, a framework consists of 3 themes, 10 core clusters, and 33 indicator categories are established. And countries worldwide can apply the framework to establish appraisal indicators refer to local constraints, specific features and national priorities.   Following the established framework, 77 proper indicators are selected for each category in the framework, and data of the 55 indicators are collected respectively from a nation’s statistical databank in Taiwan. Sustainable construction index aggregated step-by-step from the indicators, the indicator categories, the core clusters and the themes is computed to assess Taiwan’s progress in sustainable construction. The results show that there are 15 indicators, 4 indicator categories and 2 core clusters are in constant decreasing trends. The related policies need to pay attention and modify. Besides the decreasing trend of theme “economy” in 2008 and 2009, theme “environment” and “society” are in increasing trends. Sustainable construction index aggregated from indexes of theme “environment”, “society”, and “economy” also shows an increasing trend since 2005. en_US
DC.subjectfuzzy analytic hierarchy processen_US
DC.subjectfuzzy Delphi methoden_US
DC.subjectsustainable constructionen_US
DC.titleDevelopment of an appraisal indicator system for assessing a nation’s progress in sustainable constructionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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