博碩士論文 91430023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Ping Hsiungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究在於探討軍中各階層管理人員的決策風格,本研究採取文獻探討及問卷調查,進行研究所需的資料蒐集與分析。 文獻探討主要在蒐集國內外與研究主題相關之文獻,並彙整以往相關研究、方法與結論,進而製作本研究所需之問卷題目。以問卷方式取得研究對象相關研究所需之量化資料。研究範圍涵蓋軍事各階指揮官及管理階層。 個人面對事情分析後方案抉擇,即為決策,個人在決策制定上的獨特行為模式則稱之為決策風格。Rowe及Boulgarides(1992)將決策風格建構在價值觀和認知複雜度兩個主要構面之上。決策風格可以清楚地描述出個人在價值觀及認知複雜度不同下的思考模式。在此模式下,決策者的決策制訂受到決策風格的影響。決策風格也可以描述決策者接收資訊及處理資訊的方式,反映出決策者的個人性格和人際關係能力,對情勢的認知能力及解決問題的能力。而這些能力都是影響決策的主因,故可將決策風格視為決策行為的重要影響因素。 決策風格的兩個構面分為價值觀及認知複雜度。所謂認知複雜為每個人看待和描述周遭人、事、物方式上的差異性。經由這兩個構面歸納出四類決策風格,係以Rowe and Boulgarides所提出之決策風格模式形成四個構面:分析型、概念型、指導型與行為型決策風格。 本研究採樣本調查研究的設計方法,進行軍中各階層管理人員風格之分析,研究調查方式採郵寄問卷調查。調查樣本母體樣本普及軍中各高司處長及旅級、聯隊以上之指揮官以上人員,及營、連級主官;基於人力、時間、金錢等成本的考量,無法逐一做普查,僅以抽樣方式來進行研究。所採取的資料分析方法包括敘述統計、變異數分析、以及單因子變異數分析。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this paper is to discuss the different Decision-making styles adopted by military management officers at all ranks. When writing this paper, document research and questionnaire are the primary methods used to gather information and conduct analysis. The primary way used to conduct documents research is to collect information from domestic and foreign sources related to the subject of study and compile them with previous research methods and results so as to produce questions for the questionnaire. Furthermore, I use questionnaire to get necessary quantification information from the object of study. The scope of my study covers the military commanders and managers at all levels. The true meaning of Decision-making means the one who making a decision from various alternatives after analysis. The personnel’s special behavior model expressed when making decisions is called Decision-making style. In 1992, Dr. Rowe and Dr. Boulgarides believed that the Decision-making style was built on the outlook on value and the diversity of recognition. The Decision-making style can clearly clarify people’s thinking models under different outlook on value and diversity of recognition on person, matter and article. As a result, the style has much influence on decision making by Decisionmakers. Also, Decision-making style can clarify the methods used by the Decisionmaker to collect and process information as well as reflect the Decisionmaker’s personal character/ interpersonal relations and his abilities of situation awareness and problem solving. These abilities are the major factors to decide whether the Decisionmaker can make the best choice. Consequently, we can treat the Decision-making style as the major control elements of decision-making. The outlook of value and the diversity of recognition are the two events that build up one’s decision style. Here, the definition of the diversity of recognition is how you deal with and describe the persons, events, and matters around you. The two elements help us to develop four decision-style models just like the four models developed by Dr. Rowe and Dr. Boulganides in 1992, they are Analytic , Conceptual, Directive , and Behavioral. Adopting the sample investigation, this paper manages to analyze the R.O.C. Army management-level officers at all ranks by mailing the designed questionnaires. The investigation samples are provided to the R.O.C. senior officers ranging from the directors of the high-level units, the commanders of the brigade, division, and above units, and down to the commanders of the battalion and company units. Limited by the manpower, time, and fund, it only used the sample investigation method throughout the survey period. The adopted information analysis methods are included the description statistics, the variant analysis, the independent sample’s T certification and the credibility analysis to the questionnaires.en_US
DC.subjectmilitary senior officersen_US
DC.subjectDecision-making stylesen_US
DC.titleHow to act as a successful general? - The research on the Decision-making styles of military senior officersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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