博碩士論文 91443015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYeh-Hsi Yinen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract大部分動態能力的相關研究都是透過組織層級的構面來探討,但是Eisenhardt與Martin卻認為,動態能力除了可以在組織層級進行探討,也可以在不同的層級間發展,基於這樣的論點,本研究想進一步探討不同企業部門的動態能力發展問題。然而,目前相當少的研究專注於探討組織資訊部門的動態能力發展,因此透過本研究我們想要瞭解,「什麼是資訊部門的動態能力?」,同時,為了完整瞭解資訊部門動態能力的發展模式,我們進一步希望瞭解,資訊部門動態能力與資訊系統配適性(ISAlignment)及資訊技術雙元性(IT Ambidexterity)的影響關係。本研究經由理論推導出,資訊部門的動態能力包含「商務思考能力」以及「資訊技術運用能力」,同時提出了分析架構,期望藉由實徵性的方式,釐清發展資訊部門動態能力的前因及後果。本研究以中華徵信所2009年前1000大企業作為實徵研究對象,透過郵寄問卷方式收集資料。最後經由資料分析,研究結果顯示,「資訊人力資產」對資訊部門的「商務思考能力」以及「資訊技術運用能力」均有顯著影響;同時,「技術資產」對資訊部門的「資訊技術運用能力」也有顯著影響;此外,資訊部門的「商務思考能力」對資訊部門的「資訊技術運用能力」也呈現顯著的影響關係;在對組織的影響上,資訊部門的「商務思考能力」對「資訊系統配適性」與「資訊技術雙元性」均有顯著影響;而資訊部門的「資訊技術運用能力」對「資訊系統配適性」與「資訊技術雙元性」也都有顯著影響。透過本研究,對學術而言,我們將組織動態能力的發展深入到了特定的企業部門,瞭解了資訊部門的動態能力的發展;對實務界而言,本研究讓資訊部門主管瞭解到,藉由發展資訊部門動態能力可以幫助企業迎合多變的需求,不僅可以強化資訊系統與組織間的配適程度,同時也可兼顧資訊技術的探索與擴展。最後,仍然再次強調,我們期望透過發展資訊部門的動態能力,可以幫助資訊經理人解決資訊技術與企業營運間的複雜問題。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMost researchers analyzed dynamic capabilities particularly at the firm level. But Eisenhardt and Martin suggested that dynamic capabilities also can be found at different levels. Thus, based on their arguments we intend to know “what is the locus of the antecedents and consequences of dynamic capability in different business units?” IT departments play the key role in managing IT resources and provide the IT-related services to the host organization. In our study we attempt to answer the research questions, “What are the dynamic capabilities of IT departments?” Besides, in order to obtain a fuller understanding of dynamic capabilities of IT departments, we also have to know how the dynamic capabilities of IT departments would benefit the host organizations. Thus, our study also explore the relationship among the dynamic capabilities of IT departments, IS alignment and IT ambidexterity in organizations. With the theoretical inference, we proposed that business thinking capability and IT leveraging capability are the dynamic capabilities of IT departments. We further conducted an empirical investigation into the relationships among the dynamic capabilities of IT departments, the antecedents and the effects of the capabilities. The sampling frame used for this study was the firms from “2009 Taiwan Top 1,000” issued by China Credit Information Service, a leading business database in Taiwan. Our research findings show that IS human assets positively affect business thinking capability and IT leveraging capability of IT departments; technology assets positively affect IT leveraging capability of IT departments; business thinking capability positively affects IT leveraging capability within IT departments; business thinking capability positively affects both on IS alignment and IT ambidexterity; IT leveraging capability also positively affects on IS alignment and IT ambidexterity. For academia, our study explores the dynamic capabilities in a specific business unit and enables IT departments to meet varying business requirements. For practice, we expect that IT departments’ dynamic capabilities would be helpful for IT executives to solve complex problems between IT and business operations when the firms confront the changing needs. en_US
DC.subjectIS Alignmenten_US
DC.subjectDynamic Capabilityen_US
DC.subjectIT Ambidexterityen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Dynamic Capabilities in Information Technology Departmentsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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