博碩士論文 92127006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Ting Liangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究的目的在瞭解線上同儕互評對國小六年級學童寫作學習的影響。首先,本研究建構一個可促進學習者有意義寫作的線上互評寫作平台「讀來讀往寫作天地」,讓學習者在進行書寫編輯、評量、修稿與繳交作品的各個活動更為方便、順利。其後,進一步於實際的教室情境中,探究在該平台上進行的寫作活動對於小六學童寫作能力與寫作態度的影響以及學童對寫作課程的評價,更針對學童在互評歷程中的評鑑表現加以剖析,以理解線上互評機制是如何影響學童寫作學習。 本研究以台北市某國民小學六年級一個班級為研究對象(共31人),採前實驗設計中的單組前後測設計。班級學童於實驗處理期間進行5 次的寫作活動,每一寫作活動長達兩週(每週兩節課,每節課40分鐘),學童採四人一組的異質分組形式於「讀來讀往寫作天地」上進行與寫作學習相關之活動,每一次寫作活動中學童皆會產出一篇成品。 經過為期十週的線上互評寫作後,歸納量化與質性的研究資料發現:(1) 在寫作能力方面,學童在說明文的「立意取材」、「結構組織」、「遣詞造句」以及「整體分數」的寫作表現顯著進步 (2) 在寫作態度方面,學童在寫作態度問卷「挑戰性」向度上的分數顯著提升 (3) 在評鑑表現方面,學童多給予指正性的評分意見,且多針對「錯別字與標點符號」的文本問題給予評語,而隨著互評次數的增加,學童表達評語的方式更為具體,此外,評語的文字陳述普遍來說多表達清楚無誤 (4) 在課程滿意度方面,學童在課程回饋問卷的填答結果顯示學童「對寫作課程的看法」、「對線上學習活動的觀感」以及「對讀來讀往寫作天地介面設計的意見」皆給予正面的評價 (5) 在教師觀點方面,訪談結果顯示實驗班級教師肯定線上同儕互評對於寫作教學與學生學習的助益。由上述研究結果可知,以學習者為中心並可提供真實讀者回饋的同儕互評,在充分利用線上寫作環境的優勢下,對於小六學童的寫作學習具有正面的促進效果,而教師亦對於此寫作課程的設計與教學成效感到滿意。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to explore the effects of online peer assessment upon the sixth-graders’ learning of writing. First of all, an online writing website- Du Lai Du Wang writing field, was set up to promote learners’ meaningful writing, through which the learners can write articles, evaluate peer’s compositions, revise drafts, and hand in writings easily and smoothly. In addition to investigating the practical influence of the writing website on the sixth-graders’ writing skill, writing attitude and evaluation of the curriculum, the pupils’ performances in the assessing process were also analyzed to probe how peer assessment affected the learning of writing. A one-group pretest-posttest design was implemented in the study, using 31 sixth-graders from certain elementary school in Taipei to engage in the online writing activity. There were five-time online writing activities during the experiment period, and each online writing activity took two weeks (40 minutes per class; two classes per week). The subjects were divided into eight heterogeneous groups and each of them yielded five compositions during the experiment period. After the ten-week experimental treatment, the integrated results derived from quantitative and qualitative research data were inducted as followings: (1) the students’ writing skills improved dramatically in argumentation, organization, language use and holistic score also improved significantly; (2) the students’ improved attitude toward writing reflected a significant increase in scores on the challenge dimension of the questionnaire; (3) evaluating the results, most of the students’ remarks were corrective, especially on word accuracy and punctuation marks; the expression of remarks became more concrete through the increased practices in peer assessment; further, the expression of remarks were clear and correct in general; (4) in terms of satisfaction with the curriculum, the students highly evaluated the writing curriculum, the online learning activities and the interface design of the website ; (5) the instructor’s perception revealed appreciation of the online peer assessment as a teaching method for writing. According to the aforementioned, it has been demonstrated that the learner-centered peer assessment could provide authentic readers for students. The advantages of an online writing environment supported the students’ learning and the teacher was also satisfied with the curriculum design and teaching effects.en_US
DC.subjectonline writingen_US
DC.subjectwriting skillen_US
DC.subjectwriting attitudeen_US
DC.subjectpeer assessmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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