博碩士論文 92134006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSheng-Ping Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在台灣的動物保育意識非常薄弱,在流浪動物的處理,一直非常的不人道,雖然政府一再提倡保護動物的觀念,不過真正實行起來和現實生活中,似乎有嚴重差距。所以本文試著以Singer的解放動物權利觀及Regan尊重生命主體、本有價值的道德觀,引入現實社會中所發生的問題,其中包括反對動物權的Frey及Cohen等哲學家的正反兩面論證激辯,及Regan的回應,並以台灣今日對待流浪犬行為及態度,進行道德、哲學倫理關連性的探討,希望透過案例能更深入瞭解台灣街頭流浪犬的種種問題與現況,進而檢討及提出改進建議,但動物權利還是取決於人的道德反省以及實踐修養,所以希望透過教育來宣導民眾並喚起國人的道德心,另外從法律觀點來說,我國既然通過動物保護法,那麼在法律上,即使動物們未必能夠主動察覺或要求,但是牠們依法擁有生存權和生活權。提倡動物權利的立法,借由外在力量來約束及規範民眾,在內外兼施的情況下,更能達到其效益。所以本人希望藉由台灣流浪犬的問題探討去喚起國人對動物權的重視,讓大眾瞭解問題的嚴重性,進而形成輿論的壓力,成為推動流浪動物政策改革的力量。 本文以Regan的「本有價值–生命主體說」作為研究參考系,Regan強調凡生命的主體都有其本有價值,不應去傷害及剝奪生命權利,藉由提出動物權概念,並探究台灣流浪狗問題,試著喚起人們的道德心及生命關懷,以阻止虐殺動物事件發生;其中涵蘊了兩個脈絡,一個是Regan的動物權利觀,一個是台灣流浪犬的問題,於本文中以道德哲學作為此中介脈絡來嵌結這兩個脈絡,而各種實踐行動都有理論基礎,所以提出了理論基礎及實踐行動,於本文第三章,以Regan的動物權利觀作為理論基礎,於第四章中則探究及解決台灣流浪犬的問題及方法,並將Regan的動物權利道德觀運用於台灣流浪犬問題,喚起民眾對動物生存權的關注,另加促動物權的立法及教育,也即實踐行動,以減低台灣流浪犬的數量及死亡率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUnder Taiwan’’s weak animal care consciousness, it has been very inhuman to deal with stray animals. Although the government has been promoting the idea of animal’’s protection repeatedly, there is huge gape between the reality and the practice. Therefore, this article attempts to explore the problem through Singer’s view of liberation of animal right and the Regan’s respect for life. It includes the dialectical debate between philosophers Frey and Cohen, the Regan response, the way Taiwan treats stray dogs and philosophical discussion about it. Hopefully, through examination of the cases, it makes readers comprehend various problems and situations of stray dogs in Taiwan, and puts some forward beneficial suggestions. Since the animal right is decided by person’’s moral introspection as well as the practical tutelage, it hopes to arouse people’’s morality through education. From the view of law, since The Animal Protection Law is passed, animals still have right of survival even they could not be aware of it and demand it on their own initiative. Through the advocating of legislation of animal rights and the external supervision, it could regulate the public more efficiently. It hopes to arouse the concern of the public on animals’ right and make the public comprehend the gravity of the stray animals’ problem through the relative discussion, which forms the public pressure and then becomes the animals’ policy reform strength. This article makes reference to Regan’s system- " value –theory of main body of life ." Regan emphasizes every life has its own value and should not be injured and deprived of the right of survival. By proposing the concept of animal right, it explores the problems of stray dogs in Taiwan and tries to arouse people’’s morality and concern about life, in order to prevent the mistreatment and massacre of animals. Its foundation lies in two parts: one is Regan’s view of animal right; the other is stray dog’’s problems; these two parts are connected by moral ethics. Every practical action has its theoretical foundation, so the article consists both of them. The third chapter is based on Regan’s view of animal right; the fourth chapter discusses the solution to Taiwan stray dog’’s problems and utilized Regan morality of animal right to the problem. Its purpose is to arouse the public concern’s on animal right, to promote legislation and education animal right, that’s practical action, and to decrease Taiwan stray dog’’s death rate.en_US
DC.subjectmoral activisten_US
DC.subjectpeople enduring moralityen_US
DC.subjectdirect dutyen_US
DC.subjectprinciple of respecten_US
DC.subjectprinciple of injuryen_US
DC.subjectmain bodyen_US
DC.subjectAnimal righten_US
DC.subjectMoral righten_US
DC.title從Tom Regan的動物權利觀探究台灣流浪犬問題zh_TW
DC.titleExploring Taiwan Stray Dog’s Problem From Tom Regan’s View of Animal Righten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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