博碩士論文 92322085 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJun-Hau Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在機場共用櫃檯的指派上,一般可分為固定與變動租用櫃檯數指派兩種方法。在櫃檯資源有限的情況下,變動租用櫃檯數指派方式的櫃檯使用效率較高。一般而言,機場之共用櫃檯若受臨時事件影響,而發生無法按預定規劃內容營運之情形時,櫃檯租用情形需做重新調整,以維持機場正常之運作。若機場營運者指派櫃檯不當,則將造成使用者成本的增加或機場服務水準的降低。因此在遭遇臨時事件後,如何有效的即時指派班次至適當的共用櫃檯,以維持機場服務水準及降低使用者成本,對機場當局而言,甚為重要。 針對機場發生意外事件相關設施之調配問題,目前實務界缺乏有效的即時指派工具,仍以人工調整方式進行櫃檯的即時指派。此做法一旦遭遇大規模問題時,將缺乏效率及效果。而少數的共用櫃檯指派相關文獻中,雖有一共用櫃檯即時指派之研究,但主要針對固定租用數共用報到櫃檯,對於使用率較佳且較複雜之變動租用數共用櫃檯即時指派問題,尚未發現有相關的研究。故本研究針對機場發生意外事件時進行變動租用數共用櫃檯之指派作業,以櫃檯使用者,包括旅客、櫃檯服務人員等擾亂值最小為目標,並考量班次租用櫃檯限制、設立臨時櫃檯、允許班次變動租用櫃檯座、報到線數及租用時間等因素,發展兩個整數規劃模式,規劃適宜的變動租用數共用櫃檯即時指派組合。由於針對實務之大型問題勢難以在有限時間內求得最佳解,因此本研究針對問題特性,發展一啟發式求解演算法,並配合CPLEX數學規劃軟體進行求解。為測試模式的實用績效,本研究以國內一國際機場之現有櫃檯設施營運狀況為例進行範例測試與分析,另針對多個參數進行敏感度分析,測試效果良好。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn general, there are two approaches of airport common-use counter assignments, namely fixed and variable number of counter assignments. The latter is more efficient than the former in terms of counter utilization. In general, when the normal operations of airport common-use counters are affected by incidents, the airport staffs usually have to reassign some departure flights to some common-use counters in real-time, in order to keep on its operations. When such reassignments are improperly preformed, it would result in increased cost on the users or decreased level of service of the airport. Therefore, it is important for airport authorities to efficiently and effectively reassign flights to common-use counters in real-time following airport incidents, in order to maintain the airport levels of service and to reduce the user cost. In the past, there has none systematic analysis or research to the reassignment of flights to common-use counters following incidences in real-time. The reassignment in practice is manually performed, which is both inefficient and ineffective, especially when the problem scale is enlarged today. In the literature, only one research about real-time reassignment of fixed common-use counters following airport incidents, none of a systematic optimization approach to the assignment of variable number of common-use counters following airport incidents. Hence, this research considers the objective of minimizing total inconsistency of flights to common-use counters, coupled with related operating constraints, to develop two models in order to help the airport authority solve for proper reassignments of flights to common-use counters with variables number in real-time following incidents. Due to many complicated factors that have to be considered, the problem size of the model is expected to be huge in practice, making the model difficult to optimally solve. Therefore, we develop a heuristic method to solve the model by using the mathematical programming solver, CPLEX. To test how well the proposed model may be applied in real world, we perform a case study concerning the operations of two major airports in Taiwan. The results show the model could be useful.en_US
DC.subjectCommon-use counteren_US
DC.subjectvariable number of countersen_US
DC.subjectZero-one integer programen_US
DC.subjectReal-time assignmenten_US
DC.titleReal-Time Reassignments of Common-Use Counters with Variables Number Following Airport Incidentsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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