博碩士論文 92332002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLe-Tung Hsiaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract國軍部隊駐地「營區」—為部隊官兵生活、工作、教育訓練及遂行戰備任務的重要處所, 營區內各項設施完備與否及維護管理品質的良窳,除了影響日常工作、任務外,更對營區官 兵生活品質、士氣維護及駐用安全產生直接影響。 近年來國軍投資門工程興辦作業,多已委由國軍營繕工程專責單位-國防部軍備局工程 營產中心負責執行,在明確的組織與權責制度下已漸具成效,但在設施維護管理作業方面, 相較之下則有明顯不足,如有設施維護管理組織定位不明確、督(輔)導措施不足、經費編列 無法滿足實需等現象,均須探討釐清,俾使現行營區設施維護管理制度更趨精進完善。 在建物設施漫長的生命週期中,無論其內部設備或外表均會隨著時間的增長而產生老 化、退化、劣化、機能故障等現象,不僅維護費用增加,其服務品質與水準亦相對的降低。 因此,必須著重平日的保養維護工作,才可確保設施設備的正常機能、功效與延長其壽期。 國軍現行對各式武器裝備的維護管理工作所採取的「預防保養」制度,其藉由「技術手冊」 或「維護手冊」等規範及實施定期常規督導、檢查的制度,經驗證確可增加這些軍事裝備的 可靠度、耐用性,其相關維修、保養等作業亦留下完整保養紀錄,對裝備生命週期維護管理 工作產生莫大的助益。 本研究除參考相關文獻外,並結合上述工作經驗,以一般公有建築生命週期為啟始,漸 次探討營區房屋建築設施有關之維護管理組織制度、經費運用、維護工程施工品質等制度面 與執行面之問題,經分析歸納後提出提升營區設施維護管理之策略。 本研究結論提出加強並重視設施維護管理工作應為國軍營繕設施施政之重點,確有採取 增編基層專責組織之必要;強化、活絡管理活動,藉由「營區維護管理計畫」、「維護管理 手冊或準則」、「督導考評制度」之訂定與建立,落實「計畫、執行、考核」基本管理功能。 最後建議包括儘速研訂「設施維護管理手冊(準則)」、優先「增編不足人力」並加強設施 維護管理人員教育訓練及開發「設施維護管理資訊系統」等事項。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract“Military camps” are vital for combat readiness and they are places where soldiers live, work, and receive education & training. The completeness of camp barracks & facilities and the quality of maintenance management have great, direct impact on soldiers’ living standard, safety, and morale. In recent years, the military construction invested by the services is mostly supervised and executed by the Construction & Property Center, Armaments Bureau. Under the well-constructed organization and authority system, the work of capitalized construction is on the way to its goal. In comparison with the capitalized construction, however, the work of maintenance management needs to be improved, such as ill-defined maintenance organization and authority, inadequate supervision, and insufficient budget. All of these drawbacks and obstruction are to be explored and solved in order to improve the present maintenance system in the military. In the long life cycle of architectures and buildings, both interior and exterior are gradually aging causing degeneration, deterioration, and malfunction as the time goes by, which accordingly increase the maintenance costs and lower the service quality. Therefore, proper action for daily maintenance must be taken to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and life for the camp barracks and facility. The armed forces currently adopt the system of preventive maintenance for weapons and related equipments with Technical Manual(TM), Maintenance Manual (MM), regular inspection, and supervision. These measures have proved increased reliability and durability of military facility. The related and completed maintenance records greatly help the management and the life cycle of equipment and facility. In addition to review relative literatures and work experiences stated above, this research starts with the life cycle of normal public architectures and gradually study the maintenance organization, expenditure, and quality. After relative analysis and induction, a maintenance strategy is formed to promote management performance. Conclusions of this research are that the armed forces need to enhance the management of facility maintenance. As a result, it is necessary to expand maintenance organizations at the execution level in the military. By means of drafting “Camp facility maintenance & management plan”, ”Facility Maintenance Manual or Doctrine”, and “Supervision and Evaluation system”, the maintenance management will be enhanced and activated in practice, which then fulfill the basic management functions of planning, executing, and evaluating. This research also suggests that the armed forces must establish “Facility Maintenance Manual”, increase maintenance manpower as soon as possible, provide relative training program, and develop information system for maintenance management.en_US
DC.subjectLife cycleen_US
DC.subjectFacility maintenance managementen_US
DC.subjectMaintenance managementen_US
DC.titleAstudy on the manatement strategy for the militory camp maintenanceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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