博碩士論文 92332006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChien-Hsien Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,國內經濟快速成長,公共工程加速推動,在工程方面不斷引 進新技術、工法。然這些高度機械化與系統化施工方法,其技術性與複雜 性所考量工程界面繁多,使得設計及施工困難度亦增加不少;從傳統到新 式工法,工程技術已向高度自動化發展進步,如何解決施工問題、降低成 本與縮短工期需求,實為一重要課題。 國內工程界過去十餘年致力於自動化推展已有相當成效,由民間投資 興建且全面動工興建中之台灣高速鐵路工程,有長達250 公里以上高架橋 梁結構。承包廠商基於工期、成本及品質考量下,採用預鑄橋梁工法,由 於其在施工快速、品質控制容易,適合大量產製,且不妨礙地面交通等等 因素,勢必影響未來高架橋梁工程之應用將日益普遍,如何運用既有技 術、經驗及資源,更有效落實縮短營建自動化之目標,有賴工程界群策群 力,共同努力完成此理想目標。 本研究計畫從品質方面著手,從工程執行面作深入探討,在過去大多 是興建階段,相關制度及配套措施未建立;且過去有關工程品質管理制度 研究中,亦大多著眼在公司施工品質管理計畫方向、大原則監督策略架構 硏擬,鮮少對興建階段工程品質管理作業做深入探討;故本研究以此為主 軸,進行相關研究分析。根據相關文獻內容分析結果顯示,施工自動化, 施工循環週期必須有效壓縮才能達成,其中以混凝土養護時程空間最大, 透過蒸汽養護品質及施工效率工法案例調查(以高鐵C215 標Viaduct 2 段之 橋梁工法),文獻彙整及應用統計原理之相關性與多元迴歸分析探討,期以 養護時程達到最佳化模式價值工程之施工效益,進而有效的運用養護效 率,而不降低損及工程品質。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to high growth of national economy and acceleration of public construction, numbers of new engineering technology and particular know-how on highly machinery and systematic construction skill are introduced accordingly; however, this new technology leads to difficulty on design as well as construction. Basically, from traditional from new civil engineering, the constructional skills have developed with high automatic ones; therefore, it’s indeed essential theme on how to solve construction problem and cost , and to shorten constructive period. Dedicated in the automation development for the recent 10 years, As for the engineering project of Taiwan High Speed Railway which is private invested and currently under full scale construction, it includes also more than 250 kilometer overpass bridge structure. Taking into considerations on construction period, cost and quality, factors on how the private investing contractor may achieve fast construction, easy quality control, feasible mass production and not hindering ground traffic etc., application of overpass bridge will inevitably more popular in the future construction projects. How to fully utilize existing technologies, experiences and resources to more effectively accomplish the goal of shortening realization period of construction automation, that would be a giant step awaiting to be taken through the concerted efforts made jointly by the engineering industries to achieve the ultimate objective. This research project shall be commenced from the aspect of quality management, with in depth exploration to be made against the execution phase of the construction. Since most of the previous cases were categorized as under-construction stages, related systems and matching procedures have not yet been established; also in previous studies regarding construction quality management, most of the main focuses fall on the investigation of supervisory strategic structure over the general direction and principle for construction quality management plans made by companies with special privilege, there are scarcely in depth exploration targeting at the operations related to quality management of construction project at its building-up phase, therefore the subject study shall focus on this to conduct related research and analysis; as indicated according to related documents and analysis results, shortening construction period through construction automation can be achieved only when the construction cycle could be effectively compressed, of which the concrete maintenance schedule is the one with the most space. Through construction methodology case study regarding steam curing quality and construction efficiency (Bridge construction method applied to High Speed Railway, bid C215 Viaduct Section 2) along with research through summarization of relevant documentation as well as application of correlation and multiple regression analysis, it is expected that the value engineering of optimal steam curing schedule model can be obtained to achieve economical benefits, and then more effectively utilize on spot curing efficiency without deteriorating the construction quality.en_US
DC.subjectQuality Managementen_US
DC.subjectSteam Curingen_US
DC.title水泥混凝土蒸汽養護成效對施工成本效益之研究 以台灣高鐵C215標橋梁工法為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe Study of construction cost/benefit on cement concrete steam curing efficiencyCase example-Taiwan high speed railwaybid C215 viaduct construction method en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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