博碩士論文 92421047 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShin-Ru Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在 1990 年代,全球的金融業面臨了巨大的結構變化,銀行、證券、與保險業之間的藩籬,逐漸被一家家金融控股公司的成立而打破。金融機構間的相互併購與整合,已成為過去十幾年來金融業最重要的議題之一。這一波全球性的金融併購趨勢,對台灣也造成了為數不小的衝擊。2002年是台灣金融史上最具變化和衝擊的一年,截至目前為止,國內已經有十四家金融控股公司創立。   資訊科技是舉凡各行各業維持每日營運不可或缺的重要工具,就連銀行業也不例外。然而,如何經由整合各子公司的資訊系統以進一步達到綜效,是每一家金融控股公司所面臨的最大挑戰,尤其當該子公司是從外併購而得,其營運系統、作業平台、資料庫等資訊系統都與原母公司迥異的時候,其整合規模之龐大與複雜的程度,是外人所難以想像的。   本論文之個案研究區分為二個部份。第一部份為日本銀行合併個案,研究對象為瑞穗金控的合併失敗案例,與對照銀行-新生銀行,成功藉由資訊科技與人事的整合與革新,從谷底獲得重生,兩個案例間的探討與分析。第二部份為台灣銀行的合併案例,研究的對象為國泰世華銀行與台北富邦銀行,該兩家銀行的背景類似,皆為金融控股公司所屬之子公司,在與外來者-世華銀行與台北銀行合併的過程中,資訊系統整合的過程與探討。   不同資訊系統之間的整合,為銀行合併的過程中所面臨的挑戰之一。雖然如此,銀行的高階主管常著重於系統整合的部分,卻往往忽略了像人事整合,執行力,整合的進度與規劃與整合速度等等,而這些議題的重要程度並不亞於資訊整合。若僅注重資訊系統的合併而忽略了其他議題,將會使銀行合併案面臨巨大風險。藉由與資訊部主管的訪談與次級資料的收集等研究方法,我們將探究關於銀行合併的更多細節。   從本論文的個案研究,我們可以得到下列結論: 1. 並沒有所謂適用於每個合併個案的最佳的解決方案,端視該方案是否對該銀行的資訊整合有利於否。換言之,銀行應選擇最適用於自己的資訊整合方案。 2. 資訊整合的關鍵成功因素,最主要與" 人 " 有關,包括: (1) 如何規劃資訊系統整合的時程。 (2) 整合進度必須在掌控之下且避免延誤。 (3) 正式合併前的準備與新資訊系統的測試必須完整且精確。 (4) 該合併專案須得到充分的高階主管的支持。 (5) 專案的領導人或經理須具備良好的領導與團隊合作能力。 (6) 資訊和非資訊成員之間能夠相互協調與溝通,且能夠互相合作。 (7) 不同部門所有成員能夠彼此團隊合作,且每個人專注於合併目標,並將工作作到盡善盡美。 (8) 該企業文化富有執行力和責任感。 3. 事實上,銀行合併是一種創造性的破壞,它帶來了公司各個部分的改革,包括資訊系統的整合與重建。如同台北富邦銀行資訊長所指出,銀行合併是一種驅動性的力量,帶動整個銀行做資訊整合和改革,且扮演起串聯的角色,連結並促進新銀行內企業文化、人事、企業流程等等的整合與革新zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 1990’s, the structure of global financial industry had been changed enormously. The bounds among banks, securities, insurance companies had been broken by the enactment of Financial Holding Company (FHC). The merger of financial institutions has become one of the most important topics in financial industry during the past decades. These global M&A trends also had impacts on Taiwan. The year 2002 was the most changeful and tough year in financial industry. Until now, there have been 14 financial holdings established in Taiwan. Information technology (IT) has become the most important tool in daily business operation in all kinds of industries, and banking industry is without exception. How to create synergy via integrating the information systems from all subsidies is the toughest challenge faced by every financial holding company, especially when absorbing a bank from outside. It is a massive work to construct different operation systems, platforms, and databases, and the complexity is unthinkable. This case study is divided into two parts. The first part is a Japan’s bank merger case, Mizuho Financial Group (MFG), and a comparison case, Shinsei Bank, which hasn’t experienced the bank merger but has been reformed via IT and personnel system reformation. The second parts are two Taiwan’s bank merger cases, which are Cathay United Bank and Taipei-Fubon Bank under two financial holding companies. One of these challenges happened during the process of bank merger is the integration of different information computer system. Top managers always put the stress on IT integration, but what on earth the role played by IT is. Do banks have risks on putting the cart before the house owing to too much focusing on IT? There are still other important things we have to pay attention on, like personnel integration, execution, the speed of integration, and so on. By interviewing with the leaders of MIS and second-hand materials, we could find more details about bank merger. From this research, we could come to the conclusions as follows: 1. No matter what kind of computer systems or methods of IT integration being chosen, there is no optimum solution or method which is suitable for every bank merger case. A bank should choose the most suitable method of IT integration for itself. 2. The key success factors of IT integration during bank merger are related to “people”, including: (1) How to plan the schedule of IT integration process is very important. (2) The steps of schedule must be under control and prevent the schedule from delay. (3) The preparation and tests of new computer system before formal merger must be completed perfectly and flawless. (4) The support form top management must be sufficient and steady. (5) The MIS manager must have leadership and be good at negotiation in team-work. (6) The IT and non-IT members could coordinate and communicate with each other, and understand each other well. (7) All staffs from different departments could team work with each other, and everyone concentrates on the goal and does his best to make it come true. (8) The enterprise culture must be with execution and resbonsibility. 3. In fact, the bank merger is a destruction of creativity, and it brings the reformation to all parts of a company, including IT integration and reconstruction. As the MIS manager of Taipei-Fubon Bank pointed out, bank merger is a driver for banks to do IT integration and reformation, and the role IT plays in bank merger is a connection, which brings and promotes the integration of enterprise culture, personnel, business process, etc.en_US
DC.subjectShinsei Banken_US
DC.subjectTaipei Fubon Banken_US
DC.subjectCathay United Banken_US
DC.subjectMizuho Banken_US
DC.subjectFinancial Holding Companyen_US
DC.subjectInformation Technology (IT)en_US
DC.subjectBank Merger (M&en_US
DC.titleThe Information Technology (IT) Integration of Bank Merger: An Exploratory Case Studyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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