博碩士論文 92423008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Ting Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract創新常常被分類為「產品創新」與「製程創新」,然而廠商導入新技術不一定會成功,技術領先導入者(Pioneer)也未必會成功,反而有不少技術追隨者成功的案例,有鑑於此,管理研究中逐漸形成很多證據,認為只有技術創新是不夠的,一定還需要其他要素來補充,而這個需補充的要素逐漸對焦在經營模式創新。而從實務界中的觀察也發現,除了技術創新的活動之外,廠商一直存在著以經營模式創新(Business model innovation)而成功的現象,例如電子商務產業中的Yahoo!、Amazon、與eBay;餐飲速食產業中的西雅圖極品咖啡(Barista)、星巴克咖啡(Starbucks)、與麥當勞(McDonald);以及半導體產業中的台積電(TSMC)與聯電(UMC)等都進行經營模式創新,其中台積電成立之初,既不是早期技術採用者更不是技術創新者,但卻以獨創的創新經營模式-晶圓代工-奠定日後成功的基礎,並在過去多年不斷創新的過程中成為國際知名且具影響力的企業。因此,經營模式及其創新是值得深入探索的議題,但是對於「經營模式」與「經營模式創新」一詞,目前不管在業界或是學界在定義上都還沒有一致的共識,因此本研究主要的核心問題在探討:驅使經營模式創新的主要元素為何?經營模式創新與技術創新之間的關係是什麼? 因此本研究的目的主要有三:(1)以Mitchell (2003)的七個經營模式的元素 (What、When、Who、Where、How、How much、Why)為基礎,Magretta (2002) 與Chesbrough & Rosenbloom (2003)的經營模式理論為輔,以台積電作為範例個案,從經營模式的角度將其從1987年至今的經營模式創新做徹底的解析,並在每一次經營模式創新訂下時點,為經營模式創新之分析做一個實例的參考範本;(2)透過經營模式創新分析過程,補充與實證原有理論;(3)找出驅使晶圓代工產業的經營模式創新的元素;(4)找出經營模式創新潛在的樣態(Pattern) 。 本研究為一探索式描述性的研究,選擇在專業晶圓代工業上對於經營模式創新相當具有代表性的台積電為典型個案(Typical case),透過對與台積電相關的業界深度訪談以及其相關資料的蒐集如公司年報、公司網站資料、專書、專業期刊論文、與新聞雜誌等資料,以紮根理論方法(Grounded theory approach)經由系統化的資料蒐集與分析,將龐大複雜的原始資料加以整理分析及概念化,進而在7W理論的基礎上歸納、發掘、發展與經營模式創新相關的論述。 本研究結果發現半導體產業的競爭激烈,使得台積電的經營模式約一年就得創新一次。本研究並將台積電之經營模式創新以分為三個重要時期—「純代工期」、「製程服務加值期」、「協力整合期」,此三時期分別由「Where」、「How」、「Who」元素來主導整個經營模式之創新。此外,也發現「經營模式創新」頻率與「技術創新」頻率呈現正向的關係,並且在各時期也會互相驅動彼此的創新。因此,從研究結果中可知,企業僅有技術的創新,是無法成功的,技術創新有其瓶頸,必須有經營模式創新的共同配合,才能在產業中保有永續競爭力。本研究也期望透過找出的主導經營模式創新元素與經營模式樣態,能為台灣晶圓代工業提供下一步的經營模式創新方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIt is product innovation or process innovation that most high-tech companies devote to differentiate in a fierce competition environment and finally intend to dominate their markets. However, some cases such as Apple or Maxtor had demonstrated that neither technology innovators nor technology pioneers absolutely lead to be the winners in industries. Beyond technology innovation, academias in management area gradually focus their concerns on business model innovation for competitive advantages. Furthermore, since the Internet era in 90s, more and more practitioners, including Yahoo!, Amazon, eBay, Dell, Starbucks, McDonald’s, and TSMC, etc., successfully become the leading or well-known companies all over the world according to their business model innovation. Unfortunately, it is still ambiguous for both academics and practitioners in “business model” and “business model innovation.” The goal of this research is then to explore what the main elements driving the business model innovation are and what the relationships between business model innovation and technology innovation are. By exploring a typical case of TSMC, not only the leading company of the foundry business in the semiconductor industry but also the representative of business model innovator, this study attempts to (1) exemplify the business model innovation based on Mitchell’s “7W-Who, What, When, Where, How, How much, and Why” (2003), Magretta (2002), and Chesbrough & Rosenbloom (2003), (2) replenish the theoretical foundation for business model innovation via our analysis, (3) find the driving elements of 7W for business model innovation, and (4) disclose the potential patterns of the business model innovation. Grounded theory approach is imported for data collection and analysis. Through analysis of TSMC’s business model innovations, this study found that (1) fierce competition and continual technology advancements in the semiconductor industry lead to TSMC’s innovations on business model frequently, (2) there are three phases of TSMC’s business model innovation, “pure foundry phase,” “manufacturing service and value added phase,” and “inter-firm collaboration phase,” which is driven by “where,” “how,” and “who,” respectively, and (3) “business model innovation” and “technology innovation” drive each other in three phases and the relation of their innovative frequencies is positive. The results would give researchers the industrial insights and contribute the practitioners with the strategic foresights that it is business model innovation for a company’s competitive advantages under the physical limitations of technology innovation. We also hopes that the findings of driving elements and patterns of business model innovation in this research could give hints on next generation of business model innovation for Taiwan’s foundry industry.en_US
DC.subjectGrounded theoryen_US
DC.subjectBusiness model innovationen_US
DC.subjectBusiness modelen_US
DC.titleAn Exploratory Study of Business Model Innovation: Case Study on TSMCen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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