博碩士論文 92430047 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei- Chin Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣「淺碟經濟」型態的內需市場規模而言,任何業種之連鎖產業的發展終將受限。而海峽彼岸的中國大陸,在十三億龐大人口的基礎上,配合改革開放政策與國際化趨勢,其所展現出來的巨大內需市場商機,不但已成為全球連鎖服務產業的兵家必爭之地,更是童裝產業躍登國際舞台的最佳跳板。 「童裝連鎖加盟」已是時勢所趨,然而如何開放童裝門市的加盟、如何站在加盟主的立場建構一個好的加盟體系,目前業界並沒有一個較為完整的方法。本研究運用文獻探討、個案研究以及配合統計分析的步驟,以嚴謹的方法來建構加盟主考量連鎖加盟的決策因素,以並提供童裝廠商做為開放童裝門市加盟的重要參考依據。本研究主要研究目的如下: 1. 探討台灣童裝產業發展現況與趨勢 2. 探討大陸童裝產業發展現況 3. 探討加盟童裝連鎖的考量因素 4. 建構加盟童裝連鎖的決策模型 在匯集文獻探討、麗嬰房(股)、巴布豆(股)、童心童裝公司的個案研究,建立研究層級架構,共分為五個層級,分別為「獲利能力」、「後勤支援」、「夥伴關係」、「企業形象」、「發展潛力」五個系統構面、二十個評估指標進行專家訪談,修正後增加“解決問題的速度”這項評估指標,合計二十一個評估指標。 本研究結果發現,加盟決策的考量因素架構之系統構面,其重要性依序為「獲利能力」(0.2611)、「後勤支援」(0.2205) 、「企業形象」(0.2005) 、「發展潛力」(0.1937)以及「夥伴關係」(0.1242)。而各層級構面與指標之權重方面在「獲利能力」構面中營業毛利率(0.3122)、最低營業額保證(0.2559)為加盟主最重視的加盟考量因素。在「後勤支援」構面中進銷存管理系統效能(0.2834)、物流配送能力(0.2472) 為加盟主最重視的加盟考量因素。在「企業形象」構面中企業知名度(04429) 、連鎖門市家數(0.3142)為加盟主最重視的加盟考量因素。在「發展潛力」構面中商店經營的Know-how (0.3177)、競爭者的防禦力(0.2869)為加盟主最重視的加盟考量因素。在「夥伴關係」構面中加盟契約的平等性(0.3312)、暢通的溝通管道(0.2983)為加盟主最重視的加盟考量因素。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor the limitation of domestic market in Taiwan, chain and franchise of the children’’s garments industry has reach an ultimate. On the contrary, China has become one of the biggest markets and main manufacturer in the world for it has the population of over 1.3 billion. In addition, under globalization and economic competitions between nations, the establishment and development of chain and franchise of the children’’s garments industry are inevitable. However, there has no best solution and complete conclusions of ways to open the retail sales to franchisees and establish a better chain system from the point of view of franchisees in the children’’s garments industry. In this study, we use literature review, case study, and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to construct the critical factors which affect the franchisees’ consideration of their affiliation. Furthermore, we provide an evaluative base for children’’s garments manufacturers when considering open their franchise or not. The research objectives are as below: 1. Understanding children’’s garments industry and its future developments. 2. Discussing the situations and developments of children’’s garments industry and market in China. 3. Finding out what are the main factors that affect the children’’s garments franchisees’ affiliation. 4. Building a children’’s garments franchise decision making model. From literature and case study, twenty one selection criteria were selected. They were further categorized into five dimensions: profitability, logistic, image of the firm, potential, and partnership. This study concluded that the critical dimensions in evaluating franchise of children’’s garments were ordered as follows: profitability (0.2611), logistic (0.2205), image of the firm (0.2005), potential (0.1937), and partnership (0.1242).en_US
DC.subjectchildren's garmentsen_US
DC.subjectand Analytic Hierarchy Processen_US
DC.subjectchain and franchiseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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