博碩士論文 92430060 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Ho Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中國大陸改革開放二十多年來,社會經濟總量以舉世矚目的增長速度持續攀升,汽車產業作為工業發展自身及政策要求的重點,更是呈現勃勃生機。根據韓國汽車工業協會的統計資料,2004年中國大陸汽車產量實績達到507萬輛,位居世界汽車生產國第四位,與處在第三位的德國(557萬輛)差距為50萬輛。目前,世界九大汽車集團(6+3)均已進入中國大陸市場,或已在中國大陸紮根多年,或已著手建廠,或正在積極籌畫佈局,以期爭奪中國大陸這塊“全球最後一塊尚未開發的汽車大市場”。 同時,中國大陸市場的總體環境呈現出其獨有的特徵:總體不平衡(人口分佈不平衡,消費能力不平衡,經濟總量分佈不平衡等);產品生命週期短;消費者偏好“洋品牌”等等。在如此紛繁複雜的大陸汽車市場中,任何一家生產廠都面臨著穩固的大陸國有、合資汽車廠,新進汽車廠及國外進口車的衝擊。在這樣的內外環境下,應以何種行銷策略來搶佔市場,進而創造出卓越的經營績效,這一點便成為啟發本研究的主要動機。 本研究擬應用司徒達賢教授的“策略矩陣”分析方法,希望透過相關文獻理論資料的收集與分析,選取在中國大陸汽車產業內最具代表性與可比較性的個案——上海大眾汽車與上海通用汽車為個案進行探討分析,希望達成以下研究目的: 1、比較個別汽車產業製造廠商行銷策略之異同 2、探討不同的行銷策略在中國大陸市場的優缺點與績效表現 3、根據研究結果提出中國大陸汽車製造廠行銷策略研究的心得與建議 本研究結論認為中國大陸汽車產業行銷策略所應注意的重點為: 1、客戶導向 2、差異化 3、本土化 4、培養體系競爭力zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUnder more than a score years opening policy, the social economy volume of Mainland China keeps growing at a high speed. As a very important part of industry itself and under the government’s requirements, mainland automobile industry is vigorous developing. According to statistics from Korea Automobile Association, automobile production of Mainland China reached 5,070,000 sets, which listed No.4 in the world and 500,000 sets less than Germany (No.3). By now, all the leading nine auto groups have taken their entry into Mainland China at different stages in order to get certain share of “the last primitive market in the world”. Meanwhile, the market of Mainland China has its own unique characteristics: imbalance (population distribution imbalance, purchasing power imbalance, economy volume distribution imbalance etc.); product life cycle is shorter; priority of foreign brands etc. In this complicated market, every automaker has to face the challenge from stable state owned factories, early joint ventures, new comers and imported automobiles. This research is motivated by the question of what kind of marking strategy should be employed in the above environment in order to take share of the market and to perform excellently. This research uses Professor Seetoo Dah Hsian’s “Strategy Matrix” analysis method, collect and analysis related theories, chooses two most representative and comparable cases-Shanghai Volkswagen and Shanghai General motors aiming at following goals: 1. Compare the differences of marketing strategy between the two cases 2. Find out the applicability and performance of different marketing strategy in the market of Mainland China 3. Bring advices about marketing strategy of Mainland China auto-makers according to research results This research’s conclusion takes the stresses which automakers should pay attention to as following: 1. Customer-oriented approach 2. Differentiation 3. Localization 4. Nurturing systematical competitive strengthen_US
DC.subjectMainland China automobile industryen_US
DC.subjectMarketing Strategyen_US
DC.titleThe Exploration of the marketing strategy of the automobile industry in mainland China: an example of Volkswagen and GMen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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