博碩士論文 92433009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTsung-Hsien Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract一般企業經營者最關心的兩件事,莫過於提高營收和降低成本。過去,受限於時間的壓力,管理者制定決策時,經常是依據經驗做直覺式的判斷,這樣的決策往往帶著「冒險」的成分。但是,面對詭譎多變的商場競爭企業若希冀創造盈餘與高獲利,就必須從被動的回應客戶需求,轉變成主動的預測和管理客戶需求;若是希望能有效的降低成本,則需要先了解單項成本發生細項,並預測縮減成本可能對各部門造成的衝擊。而商業智慧(Business Intelligence,BI)的分析與預測能力,正是協助管理者迅速制定正確決策的基礎與最佳後援。 關於商業智慧(Business Intelligence,BI)的討論不勝枚舉,但是真正導入上線而且真的有實際應用在日常決策中的,少之又少。這其中的原因到底在哪?是高階主管技術修養不夠?產品不成熟?還是IT人員的技術背景不夠強壯?本研究將有兩家導入商業智慧系統產品的個案公司做相關的探討。 本研究欲探討個案公司導入商業智慧系統的過程以及成功或失敗之因素,因為所要探討的問題無法用統計來分析,故本研究是採描述性個案研究法,希望藉由實務上所發生的複雜現象予以完整的描述並與專案負責人詳談,以釐清商業智慧系統「為何會」及「如何」導入成功或失敗。 根據前述的研究目的,歸納出成功導入商業智慧系統的關鍵因素: 一、企業採用商業智慧的決定因素為,亟思如何迅速且正確的做出決策,能從大批資料中,挖掘出有用的資訊,加以運用在重要的決策上。 二、企業採用商業智慧的考慮因素為:整合性與市場評價,軟體大廠或是市佔率第一的廠商較易受青睞。 三、企業本身的IT素養均有一定水準,但是對軟體的掌握度將是一關鍵因素。 四、企業導入商業智慧的提倡者是大多是IT部門主管,但是最高主管如果對商業智慧有一定的了解,將使商業智慧更易導入成功。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhat business manager most concern is raise the revenue and cost down.In the past,due to the pressure of time,manager need to make the decisions according to experience and first image.Those quality of decision take risk. But,because of the competition in the business environment,if coporation want to raise the revenue and high-profit,they need to take the change from receive the customers’’ requests passively to aggresively forcast and arrange customers’’need.If corporations want to cost-down effectively,they must understand more detail and the impact of cost-down to every departments.The ability of analyze and forecast of BI(Business Intelligence) is the fast and best choice to helpmanagers make correct decisions raipdly.There were many discussions about BI,but less of them successfully implement and use it.Why?Because high-level managers’’ IT capacity?or IT members’’s technical background?This research will compare to two coporations which implement BI.This research want to discuss the factors of implement BI successfully or failed.This research took "Case-Study" as theresearch methodology.The research hope can chat with project managers about the whole BI implementation project,to distinquish"why" and "how" to implement BI successfully and failed. The research has summed up couple key factors: 1.The reasons of coporations choose to implement BI is, urgent to find out how to rapidly and correctly make decisions through lot of information. 2.Coporations care about integration and evaluation of market when they start to survey BI vendors. 3.The IT capacity of coporations is a key factor to effect the ratio of successfully implement BI. 4.The advocator of BI implementation under coporation is IT manager.If the most high-level manager,eg:CEO,can understand the importance of BI project,it will improve the ratio of successfully implement BI. 5.The most mature product of BI is Client PC Tools,it will not cost too much. 6."People" is the most important questions about implement BI project.No matter implementation consultant of IT memebers. 7.If coporation can resolve the "People" question,the ratio of successfully implement BI will improve. 8.It’’s hard to evaluate the performance of BI implementation.We can understand the performance through end-user’’s point of view and usage of BI. If the coporations can understand and resolve those factors the research listed,the successfully implementation BI is not just a dream.I do hope this thesis can help those coporations having interesting in BI can implement BI successfully and enjoy the success.en_US
DC.subjectBusiness Intelligenceen_US
DC.titleThe Research of Key Factors About Successfully Implement Business Intelligence System in Enterpriseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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