博碩士論文 92433025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJer-Wen Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來資訊科技廣泛運用在製造業,激烈的競爭環境下,企業需要更加落實提升價值鏈中各個環節的競爭力。以製造業生產管理爲主要應用的CIM( Computer Integrate Manufacturing)系統廣泛被運用在生產線上。CIM系統是提升管理效率的重要工具,也是製造業提升競爭力的策略武器。然而許多企業在投資導入系統之後,卻未獲得顯著的效益提升,特別是在微利時代下的製造業,需要以有限的投資,獲取最大的利益。所以運用成功的個案經驗,藉由模仿最佳實務的方式,達到降低風險提高效益的目的。然而系統與生產作業地適配度要求很高。企業該如何從這些案例中,瞭解系統選用的重點,系統將如何影響企業績效,這些問題的探討,將可以協助企業更多的資訊,提高系統導入的效益。 本研究透過企業個案訪談的方式,利用多重個案多重分析的方法,引用調適性結構行動理論(AST: Adaptive Structuraction Theory),探討TFT-LCD產業中兩種不同作業特性的企業組織,在導入CIM系統過程中,系統與組織的互動關係。個案訪談的問項以AST的7個命題為主軸,分別訪談個案公司中主要參與系統導入專案的代表人員,透過比較分析不同職務角色對研究命題論述的差異,藉以瞭解影響企業組織選用CIM系統的考量因素及瞭解系統與組織的適配對流程的自動化的影響。 根據研究資料發現,CIM系統著重於生產作業流程的自動化控制與工程品質資料的收集與彙整,對系統穩定性、資料處理即時性的要求,會與作業自動化之程度呈正向關係。作業自動化之企業組織,在選用及導入CIM系統專案時,以資訊部門為主導,比較強調系統導入實績的重要性;作業半自動方式的企業組織,使用者參與態度比較積極,亦主導作業流程與系統機能,對於系統的選用也比較有影響力。 比較分析之後發現,作業自動化程度高的企業組織,導入CIM系統,比較注意製造作業流程中與系統相關的作業流程標準,也注意到是否符合將來流程自動化之所需;而作業自動化程度較低的企業組織,則比較注意生產線作業的合理化及導入系統後作業流程的調整與相關組織間分工方式與責任劃分。因前者認為CIM專案的工作將以系統機能與資訊科技連線技術為重點,所以專案組織的成員中,資訊人員的比率將會提高。 運用AST(Adaptive Structuraction Theory)理論架構,並透過不同作業型態的個案分析,本研究觀察到在CIM系統導入過程中,系統與組織不同的互動關係。瞭解與掌握關這些關係將有助於企業更加有效地運用CIM系統提升其企業競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently IT has been popularly using on various manufacturing companies. However intensified competition with other companies, enterprise need pay more attention to improve the competition ability on the Value Chain. Computer Integrate Manufacturing (CIM) is aim at the manufacturing management, had been implement on production line. CIM system is one of the important management tool to improve the efficiency of manufacturing, it is also a powerful strategic weapon in the operations area. This case study applying the Adaptive Structuraction Theory ( AST) model to explore the differ interactions between systems and the organizations of TFT-LCD manufacturer. This paper try to find out the key factor on the evaluation of CIM system on different operation model of manufacturer. Also intend to understand the effect for the process automatize by the fitness of CIM system and organization. According to the opinion of interview of this case study, higher operation automatize companies managers will place more attention on system stability and real-time data management. Full automatize operation manufacturer, CIM project will be leaded by IT department. Whereas in semi-automatize operation manufacturer, user show the positiveness on CIM project. Summary the interview data, the have tree view point as show bellow: 1. Higher operation automatize companies will pay more attention on the interface and specification between system and manufacturing process, they will focus on how to improve the process automation. 2. Semi-auto operation companies will be careful on the operation process re-engineering. 3. The more process automatize the more IT engineer pay a important role on the CIM project. Base the AST theory and differ operation style case study, this paper explore the differ interaction within CIM system for differ companies. Further understating on these factor it might be helpful to improve the competitiveness of companies.en_US
DC.subjectAdaptive Structuraction Theoryen_US
DC.subjectComputer Integrate Manufacturingen_US
DC.subjectSystem evaluationen_US
DC.title應用調適性結構行動理論探討CIM系統的導入 -以TFT-LCD產業為例zh_TW
DC.titleUsing Adaptive Structuraction Theory to Study the Implementation of CIM Systems: A case study of TFT-LCD Companies en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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