博碩士論文 92622006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHong-Yi Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究利用高解析度淺層反射震測法,重新仔細檢查1906年發生的梅山地震斷層(M=7.1)。該地震幾乎夷平了梅山鎮,造成1千多人喪生,災情慘重,但該地震也是台灣第一個有儀器紀錄及完整文獻之災害地震。梅山斷層為右斜移斷層,斷距1~2公尺,長13公里,錯動行為怪異,後代雖以許多方法加以研究,均很難找到斷層,也不易理解它的演化。本研究以震測法大量測繪此區域之地下構造,發現必須將梅山斷層置於整個地區的構造架構下,始能探討其意義。本研究獲得以下幾點結論: (1) 梅山斷層東端為九芎坑斷層阻擋而停止。斷層與小梅背斜軸夾50度角,在梅山附近相互作用。整體來看,梅山斷層將小梅背斜西翼5公里X 12公里之範圍,以東北東走向橫移錯開。 (2) 梅山斷層因右移錯動而衍生「壓縮型開花構造」,造成地層小規模的上拱彎曲。在斷層東端的梅山地區,地形構造複雜,應力容易集中,此花狀構造向北發展到倒孔山溪旁,為老的斷層所在。 (3) 斷層線在中間之中坑附近,沿地形邊界發育,「開花構造」很明顯,但僅造成上覆地層彎曲,並未發生錯動。 (4) 斷層線進入陳厝寮沖積扇階面後,應通克明橋,再往西南延伸會到達中正大學之東南角,而非一般認為之西北角,此亦顯示Omori原圖所繪斷層位置是正確的。 (5) 南勢坑至民雄東西向一線為一中軸線,拱起成一界線。梅山斷層進入陳厝寮沖積扇面後,分裂出陳厝寮分支斷層,該分支斷層顯然受到中軸線之影響,平行且位於中軸線之北側。 (6) 梅山斷層之活動性極高,但以在梅山地區最為嚴重。斜移斷層產生諸多不連續之「花狀構造」不容易被偵測,不過,重點仍應放在主斷層上,在梅山地區找到合適地點開挖,瞭解其再現週期,是為當務之急。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Meishan fault is an earthquake fault which was displaced in the 1906 Meishan earthquake (M=7.1). The earthquake induced severe damages and killed 1,258 people. However, it is also signified as the first instrument-recorded and well-documented earthquake in Taiwan by civilized technologies. The fault was a right-lateral and slight-thrust oblique fault (1~2 m displacement) trending in the N75E direction. The northern side was lifted near Meishan and it changed to the southern side raised remote from Meishan. We revisit the Meishan fault to prepare for its 100th anniversary in 2004-2005. A relatively advanced and detailed reflection seismic survey was carried out to find new evidences which may lead better understanding of the peculiar behaviors of the fault. After collecting and analyzing 4 seismic profiles across the fault, we realize that it needs to put the Meishan fault in the regional geological framework to identify its role and meaning. The earthquake was initiated near Meishan where the fault intersected the Hsiaomei anticline by 50 degrees. There is also another significant thrust (the Chiuhsiungken fault, NS orientation) sited to the east. The merger of these three systems claims the focus of the earthquake. When the earthquake was set off, the northern side moved to the east and was hindered by the Hsiaomei anticline and the Chiuhsiungken thrust, thus was uplifted. On the other hand, far from Meishan to the west end, the southern side was relatively free to move and even uplift. An interesting compressive bending type of ‘flower structure’ was found along the fault trace given by Omori (1907). The rupture amplitudes decay quickly toward the western end, where is the Chungcheng university. The segmentation of fault occurred here and a branch (the Chenchuliaw fault) resumed. The investigation of the Meishan fault should be concentrated around Meishan, not to the western end. More investigations need be emphasized near the town of Meishan.en_US
DC.subjectMeishan faulten_US
DC.subjectseismic reflection methoden_US
DC.subjectflower structureen_US
DC.titleDetecting the Meishan Fault by the Seismic Reflection Methoden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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