博碩士論文 92622007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Chin Luen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract流體是影響斷層破裂帶演化非常重要的因素。本研究以車籠埔斷層TCDP-A井岩心為對象,採用X光粉末繞射分析、X光螢光分析、燒失量及碳氫分析、密度測定等定性定量方法來鑑定斷層帶的斷層岩與圍岩的化學成分及礦物組成差異,並配合岩象觀察,比較斷層岩與圍岩間化學成分與礦物相轉換的情形,模擬斷層帶中可能產生的化學反應,探討流體在重複發生的地震事件之中所扮演的角色。 由XRD一般礦物分析及岩象觀察的結果,得知TCDP-A井的岩心樣本內主要的組成礦物為石英、長石、雲母、方解石等。透過偏光顯微鏡觀察樣本內微構造的發展,可發現破裂帶中石英顆粒較圍岩中破碎。而且破裂帶中裂隙與細脈發達,這些細脈主要是由一些順向排列的絹雲母及其他更細小的黏土礦物所組成。 本研究之黏土礦物半定量分析結果指出,黏土礦物相對含量以伊萊石最多,可達50%到60%;綠泥石、高嶺石居次,相對含量在10%到30%之區間內變動且兩者的含量變化呈現相反趨勢。 E斷層帶壓碎岩內主要的黏土礦物礦物相轉換以高嶺石-蒙脫石及綠泥石-蒙脫石為主,同時有部分伊萊石-蒙脫石轉換。伊萊石崩解成蒙脫石的反應反映出此壓碎岩可能處於降溫且富水的環境,顯示本研究分析到的壓碎岩樣本極可能屬於活動時期較久遠的老斷層,而非應當呈現出升溫脫水反應的新生斷層。 XRF與等值線圖分析結果則可知斷層帶之元素流動情況,並推測出斷層帶曾經歷碳酸鹽類的溶解、長石崩解成黏土礦物以及黏土礦物間的互相轉換等反應,這些礦物相轉變是造成斷層帶化學元素流動的有力原因,也是斷層帶曾經過流體作用的證據。等值線圖分析得出的部份斷層帶體積膨脹的結果以及礦物相變化、現場地下水酸鹼度測試結果都暗示,除酸性流體作用外,斷層帶也經歷過鹼性流體的作用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to understand the chemical and mineralogical variations between the historical fault zone and the fault zone caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake, we use following methods to exam undamaged rocks and fault rocks in this study: X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), LOI and CH measurement, density measurement, petrographic observation and Isocon method. From XRD and petrographic data, we found mainly mineral composition of our samples are quartz, feldspar, calcite, and clay minerals. Results of semi-quantitative XRD analysis of clay minerals show that kaolinite and chlorite usually show opposite variation trend in the fault zone. Clay minerals transformation reactions in the cataclasite of fault zone E are mainly kaolinite to mont., chlorite to mont. and a part of illite to mont.. Illite-mont. reaction of the cataclasite of fault zone E and calcite and quartz veins in the cataclasite shows that this part may be an old fault zone. By using isocon method, we found that fault zones display volume decrease except the cataclasite of fault zone E and some damaged rocks. These volume decreases may be caused by feldspar breakdowns to clay minerals. Volume gain of cataclasite of fault zone E and some damaged rocks may caused by increase of quartz or calcite. Increase of quartz or calcite, increase of chlorite (decrease of kaolinite), clay minerals transform to montmorillonite and groundwater measurement result all imply that there might be alkaline fluid infiltration in fault zones. Fluid infiltration can cause mineral transformations. All mineral transformations in our study could be the evidence of fluid infiltration.en_US
DC.subjectChelungpu faulten_US
DC.subjectfluid infiltrationen_US
DC.subjectfluid-rock reaction in fault zoneen_US
DC.titleFluid infiltration after seismic faulting: examining chemical and mineralogical composition of the fault rocks in the drilling cores form TCDP well hole-A of the Chelungpu faulten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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