博碩士論文 92642005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-chih Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近5年來,分析震波背景雜訊得到時間域經驗格林函數和表面波頻散曲線,再利用層析成像了解淺部地殼到上部地函的S波速度構造,是熱門研究探討的主題之一,研究區域遍及世界五大洲。本論文的研究目的是想藉由此研究方法,來了解台北盆地淺部地殼,及台灣海峽和台灣地區地殼到上部地函的雷利波相速度高低分佈。 台北都會區人口密集度高,地震活動度低,所以不適合利用主動式震源震測探勘,或是被動式地震觀測來了解地震波速度構造。在大都會區,可以透過時間域經驗格林函數克服以上兩種方法的缺點,得到較高解析力的淺部地殼三維地震波速度構造。研究結果發現,台北盆地0.5~5秒的震波背景雜訊來源來自西北方,是海浪在最近的海岸及台灣海峽近岸淺海大陸棚的交互作用所造成。統整台北盆地0.5~3秒雷利波相速度分佈圖,可以發現相速度高低分佈和地表地質有很好的相關性,同時斷層也扮演了一個很重要的角色。高速區主要位於比較堅硬的第四紀火山岩,還有台北斷層以南比較古老的第三紀中新世西部麓山帶。低速區則主要位於第四紀更新世林口台地,及沿著台北盆地西邊的金山和山腳斷層,與東南邊的台北斷層北緣分佈,分別屬於鬆散未固結的紅土礫石層和沖積層。 台灣地區的地體構造模型有許多不同見解,先前研究都集中在台灣本島,又以分析體波訊號為主。本論文在台灣地區的研究區域同時包含台灣海峽、台灣本島和東部海域,並且結合分析震波背景雜訊和遠震的雷利波訊號,得到5~120秒的雷利波相速度分佈圖。在5~12秒,高速區在遠離板塊碰撞帶的中國大陸沿海,和台灣本島的中央山脈中段和海岸山脈。低速區則主要在台灣本島西南部海域,和台灣本島的西部平原和西部麓山帶。在13~15秒,台灣本島整個變成低速區,介於台灣海峽及東部海域的高速區之間。在16~19秒,台灣本島主要還是一個低速區,整體低速區的形狀類似「薩克斯風」,從台灣本島西南部海域,沿著台灣本島軸部向北,再沿琉球島弧往東延伸,介於台灣海峽及東部海域的高速區之間。在20~24秒,台灣本島的高低速分佈和短週期5~12秒大致相反,中央山脈是低速區,西部平原和西部麓山帶是高速區。在25~28秒,台灣海峽的低速區範圍變大,西部平原和西部麓山帶的高速區在台灣本島中部被低速區分隔開來,變成高速區集中在北港高區和觀音高區。在29~50秒,台灣本島中部附近為高速區,被周圍低速區所包圍,但高低速差從0.3公里/秒減少至0.1公里/秒,顯示隨著週期越來越長,台灣地區速度側向變化越來越小,這也代表著整個台灣地區的上部地函逐漸趨向一維速度構造。在60~120秒,大致上台灣海峽是低速區,台灣本島及其以東是高速區。 雖然台灣海峽的地體構造和地震活動度並沒有台灣本島複雜且活躍,但是除了受到板塊聚合的擠壓之外,同時也受到南中國海的板塊擴張影響。台灣海峽的研究除了比陸上的研究更加困難之外,過去兩岸學者通常只是利用各自擁有的資料分開研究,比較少機會可以結合兩岸資料一起分析。目前台灣海峽尚缺乏詳細的地殼及上部地函速度與地體構造,而時間域經驗格林函數又適合應用在地震活動度低的地方來了解底下構造。之前有關於時間域經驗格林函數的研究主要都是在陸上,只有非常少數研究是在海上。台灣海峽的研究,結合了台灣地區及中國大陸福建省共50個寬頻地震站。資料分析時發現,中國大陸福建省寬頻地震站的連續紀錄似乎存在著不少問題,在篩選資料的時候需要特別留意。在比對過兩個地震網路徑相似的測站對後,發現雷利波相速度頻散曲線彼此相似。因此確保結合台灣和中國這兩個寬頻地震觀測網的資料,一起分析是可行的。初步歸納5~30秒的雷利波相速度頻散曲線比對結果,發現中國大陸沿海和台灣海峽南部的相速度比較高,而台灣海峽的中部和北部則是相速度比較低。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOver the past 5 years, it has been demonstrated that the Time Domain Empirical Green’s Function (TDEGF) from ambient seismic noise cross-correlation can be used to investigate crustal and uppermost mantle velocity structure from many studies around the world. To decipher subsurface structures in various scales, researchers can utilize some existing continuous-recording seismic stations and/or deploy a new dense receiver array in the study region. In this thesis, we perform tomographic applications of ambient seismic noise analysis in the Taipei Basin, Taiwan Strait, and Taiwan Region for three arrays with very different scales. The Taipei Basin is a high-level artificial noise metropolis and requires detailed shallow crustal structure. The high levels of ambient seismic noise and the low levels of regional seismicity of this region complicate investigations of crustal structure with traditional seismic exploration or earthquake tomography methods. Analysis of the TDEGF amplitudes suggests that the dominant sources of ambient seismic noise are generated from the coastlines and shallow continental shelf of the Taiwan Strait, northwest of the study region. The ambient seismic noise tomography is feasible at periods 0.5-3 s, which is much shorter than most other studies. The lateral variation in Rayleigh wave phase velocities correlates well with surface geology and suggest that faults play an important role in the regional tectonic setting. High phase velocities mark the Tatun volcanic area, the Kuanyin Mountain dominated by Quaternary igneous rock, and the Miocene Western Foothills south of the Taipei Fault. Low phase velocities are along western and southeastern edges of the Taipei basin and the Pleistocene Linkou Tableland. Main faults in the region are either marked by low phase velocities or define transitions between regions of high and low velocity anomalies. The Taiwan Region is located at a complex convergent plate boundary zone where the Philippine Sea plate interacts with the Eurasian plate. As a result, the lateral velocity variations show dramatic patterns among different geologic provinces. Rather than only focusing on the Taiwan Island as most previous studies, this thesis includes broader regions also with the Taiwan Strait and the eastern sea area. The 5-120 s phase velocity maps are constructed from analysis of ambient seismic noise and teleseismic Rayleigh waves. At 5-12 s, phase velocity distribution can compare well with surface geology. At 16-19 s, there is a saxophone shape low velocity zone beneath the Taiwan Island. At 20-24 s, phase velocity patterns beneath the Taiwan Island are almost contrary to 5-12 s. At 30-50 s, the Taiwan Island is a high velocity zone surrounded by low velocity zone. At 60-120 s, the Taiwan Strait shows low velocity and east of it shows high velocity. The Taiwan Strait is located on the passive margin of collision zone and is also adjacent to South China Sea opening to the southwest. Despite that in the Taiwan Strait the tectonic structure is assumed relatively simple and seismicity is much lower than the Taiwan Island, intraplate earthquakes sometimes occurred but the mechanisms are not well constrained. Limited studies have focused on this region before and most previous ambient seismic noise studies focused on continental regions rather than across a strait. The data are from 50 broadband stations on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, in mainland China and the Taiwan region. The preliminary 5-30 s Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves show high velocities along mainland China coastlines and southern part of the Taiwan Strait while low velocities appear in the central and northern parts of the Taiwan Strait. en_US
DC.subjectambient seismic noiseen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan regionen_US
DC.titleMulti-scale ambient seismic noise study in the Taiwan regionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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