博碩士論文 92721004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Ling Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近十多年來臺灣除四大族群外(閩、客、原、外省),約有34萬多人,從中國大陸各省、東南亞各地區嫁到臺灣的所謂外籍配偶或大陸配偶,或我們可以說他們及其婚配之下一代是臺灣的另一大族裔。她們在臺灣生活所面對的各種壓力及其子女教育產生的問題,已引起社會廣泛的注意,也因此使得我們不得不正視「外籍配偶」之類屬性與相對性及其與台灣社會之關係。 同時,過去的自己和所擁有的歷史是現今我的思想根源,也是我現今的意向。在記憶知識和歷史記憶的交互連結中,透過圖像描繪將會顯示出個體如何塑造自我,個體也是社群,個體間會互相影響且不斷再生產與改變他們所屬的社會,也因此而影響著個人情感的認同。而「文化」是個人或社群「記憶」的載體,也是個人的歸屬及認同的情感,更是一種符號一種標誌。我們常說:「人不親水親;水不親;土親」,就因為這樣的覺醒,讓我深刻體會到土地與在地的親親性。事實上,故鄉泥土的芬芳一直都撼動著我的心弦,而故鄉的最初也始終縈繞心頭,於是在這樣土地文化的親親性下,我嘗試著對故鄉泥土的情懷透過漸為變遷的族群與國際婚姻關係來作一初步的探討。為深化研究內容,筆者將對「客籍配偶」間與「南北」客家特質的相同與差異點作一分析比較。也就是說,筆者試著了解並探討的是:有關客家的或模糊的或熟悉的或建構的也或許為真實的認同層面,藉由同屬「客籍婦女」的外籍配偶為一媒介,期冀能對客家的認識有所呈現也能有所貢獻。 緣此,為了解她們在臺之適應情形以及同屬客籍卻因遷徙路線不同又因著因緣際會遠嫁來台的外籍配偶們其客家認同意識,特設計此一研究計畫。研究者將針對客籍大陸配偶以及印尼配偶透過焦點團體與深入訪談方式做質化研究,並進一步作探討與分析以深化臺灣多元文化的時代意義。除瞭解外籍配偶在臺灣的適應情況及所面臨得問題落實關懷外,希冀尚能藉由此提供政府以為(官方與非官方)輔導「外籍配偶」的參考。 首先,本文將藉由基本問卷與焦點團體訪談紀錄之資料作一初步的彙整;然後再以相同及相異之兩個面向來作區分;接著透過物質與精神層面來做兩對照組的探討以及配偶們於家庭生活適應、社區生活適應、小環境、大環境之適應狀況;同時也繪製成圖以作說明。最後我們將再透過客家話、客家宗教與客家文化之客家認同意識做一綜合整理。雖然我們無法顧及所有面向,對研究不足或尚需加強及探討之部分,容日後圖之以為深化本文之內容。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Comparative Study of Affinity of Indonesia and Mainland China Foreign Spouses of Hakka Identity Taiwan’s population is largely made up of 4 main ethnic groups. In the past decade however, approximately 340,000 of the population has originated primarily from other provinces in mainland China and many from South-east Asia who have married native Taiwanese. We could say that the offspring of these couples would form a new ethnic group in Taiwan. The challenges of living in Taiwan, including educational facilities for the children of this group of people, have caught the attention of many. As such, we must now examine the inter-relationships between the challenges faced by these “foreign spouses” and Taiwanese society. At the same time, “Culture”, the manifestation of one’s memories’, not only offers a sense of belonging and confirmation. It is a symbol, a brand. We often say: ”even if the people do not feel the bond, the water does; if the water does not generate a feeling of ties, the earth would.” It is just this reminder that binds us firmly to the close connection with the earth and our present location. Then this thesis intended to study the so-called “foreign- spouses” who came from Indonesia or mainland China, and through the middle man, married to the Taiwanese. In order to understand how do they adjust to Taiwanese society, We had carried intensive interviews, in addition to the questionnaires. The questions included both material and spiritual life. For example, We ask question such as communication(language) religion and Hakka identity problems. In order to make a comparative study , We take Taoyuan and Pingtung districts were generally regarded as the Hakka population most density places. In other words, we are attempting to understand and expound the following: Draw on one’s understanding - be it vague, familiar, structured or factual-of everything pertaining to the Hakka group and, working with the foreign spouses that relate to the notion of the “Hakka woman”, form a better understanding of the Hakka group and therefore be better able to interact and help the Hakka people. So we use questionnaire and focus group and in-depth interview to carry this study. Through qualitative analysis, We will find these two groups the different attitudes to Hakka cultures. We believe the different attitudes to Hakka identity will provide clues for Government in guiding the foreign spouses in Taiwan adjusting their life in this country.en_US
DC.subjectFocus Groupen_US
DC.subject“Hakka”Foreign Spousesen_US
DC.subjectCross-Country Marriageen_US
DC.subjectHakka Identityen_US
DC.title在臺客籍「印尼」與「大陸」配偶之 客家認同比較研究zh_TW
DC.titleA Comparative Study of Affinity of Indonesia and Mainland ChinaForeign Spouses of Hakka Identity en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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