博碩士論文 93125011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-an Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract國際獅子會於1917年源起於美國,目前為全球最大的公益性國際社團,中華民國在1926年為繼美國、加拿大之後第三個成立獅子會的國家,1941年之後幾個分會陸續停止活動,1953年由於菲律賓華僑蔡顯祖的奔走,在臺北「復會」。 國際獅子會是由芝加哥一位保險經紀人茂文鐘士(Melvin Jones)發起,他認為商業俱樂部應從追求專業的商業利益轉為集合每個人的共同力量集體為社會服務,拓展對社會及世界的關懷。國際獅子會不同於傳統是以血緣或地緣或業緣關係所組成的結社組織,也有別於二十世紀初以行幫會館為基礎,並仿效西方商會組織所產生的中國商會,而是一種具有美式服務性社團性質的國際團體。 本研究將從19世紀的美國社會談起,探討孕育出包括國際扶輪社、國際同濟會、國際獅子會此類社團的背景。由於中產階級對於現實的需求,以交換商業利益為主的商業聯誼組織,如何汲取當代社會中其他社團,像秘密組織,友愛互助性質的兄弟組織的特性,發展出更貼近美國中產階級所需要的美式服務性社團。 再者,本研究亦討論國際獅子會這類的美式服務性社團如何走出美國,向世界各地發展,臺灣社會又是如何與其接觸。 國際獅子會在1953年在臺復會,身為一個接受國際總會領導的國際組織,如何在戒嚴時期的臺灣,配合國家政策的大前提下拓展組織、發展會務,亦是本研究另一探討重點。 最後本研究將透過討論獅子會國際總會重點發展的眼庫(Eye Bank),解釋國際獅子會如何在戒嚴時期的臺灣,發揮助人助己的精神,對臺灣社會有所貢獻。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLions Clubs International (LCI), founded in the United States in 1917, is currently the biggest international charitable foundation in the world. Republic of China is the third country to establish LCI, following the foundation in the United State and Canada. After 1941, several branches ceased activities one after another. In 1953, with the help of Fernando R. Chua, overseas Chinese in Philippine, LCI was revived in Taipei. LCI was founded by Melvin Jones, an insurance broker in Chicago. He thinks that commercial clubs should expand their concerns on society and world in their member’s power rather than pursue commercial interests. LCI is different from the traditional clubs which is differentiated by blood, locations, or industries; it also differs from the Chinese chamber in the twentieth century which is based on the guild and emulates western chambers. LCI is no doubt an international club with American service-initiated characteristic. This study starts from the American society in the nineteenth century and investigates the background which fosters Rotary Club, Kiwanis International, and LCI. Originally, the business associations aimed at exchanging business interests. However, to meet the demands of middle class, the study discusses how LCI absorbed the characteristics of contemporary secret societies and fraternities, such as friendliness and mutual help, to develop an American service club. Secondly, this study discusses how the American service clubs like LCI developed outside the United States and how Taiwan society contacted with them. LCI was revived in Taiwan in 1953. As an international organization, with the coordination of national policies, how LCI expanded and developed during the Martial Law period, is another focus of this study. Finally, this study investigates how LCI helped Taiwanese people and made contributions to the Taiwanese society during the Martial Law period through developing the eye banks. en_US
DC.subjectLions Clubs International (LCI)en_US
DC.subjectservice cluben_US
DC.subjectinternational cluben_US
DC.subjecteye banken_US
DC.titleA study on the development of Lions Clubs International in Taiwan (1953-1978)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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