博碩士論文 93127008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Yen Tsengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對於台灣義務役男的當兵現象,過去的文獻多半從組織中的上位者觀點出 發,採取組織管理績效的研究途徑,以問卷調查等量化工具,尋求義務役男的適 應模式、影響因素等,使軍事組織在領導與管理決策上更有效運作。相對來看, 機構底層的義務役男們主體經驗則是被忽視。本研究採取Wenger的實踐社群理 論以及Goffman的全控機構理論,以參與、疏離參與、認同、次級調適等概念, 從學習是一種社會現象而非個人心智運作的觀點,來微觀探究海軍義務役男在全 控機構生活的各種行為展現,提出以下的研究問題: 1. 海軍義務役男在全控機構生活樣貌為何? 2. 在全控機構的處置下,海軍義務役男學習展現為何? 3. 在全控機構的處置下,海軍義務役男所發展的實踐社群樣貌? 4. 對這段非自願的參與經歷,他們看似反認同樣貌有何意涵? 本研究以質性研究中的團體訪談(共計十一名受訪者,其中一名為職業軍 人),深探海軍義務役男從進入社群到最終合法離去的參與內涵:初期階段,面 臨全控生活的衝擊他們作出符合社群規範的行為;隨著投入與理解社群生活,包 括部隊任務敎與學的實質、驗收的灰色地帶、機構管理者的關切等,他們逐步發 展檯面下的手段與方式來謀取自我感;在看似一個處處求混、求好過的義務役男 實踐社群,他們實則面臨全控機構的鬆散無章而有參與的衝突時刻,而以一種疏 離參與的形式,掩蓋自己對社群的認同與在意;最終,他們都會合法的離開,權 力與控制也終將鬆綁,游刃有餘生活的另一面,經驗與能力的發展卻已然形塑出 他們的認同。 本研究重新拓展軍事相關研究,結合Goffman與Wenger理論,刻劃出義務役 男夾雜著認同與反認同、參與與疏離參與、符應與謀策的當兵生活所代表的深刻 學習意義。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMost of the research on military servicemen was conducted from the perspective of organizational management, and used survey instruments to find the pattern of accommodation model of compulsory soldiers in order to enhance the effectiveness of leadership and decision-making in military organization. As a result, the subjectivity of compulsory soldiers’ experience was ignored. Therefore, the present study builds from Wenger’s community of practice and Goffman’s total institution theory to analyze the practice of compulsory soldiers in such total institution. The concepts of participation, non-participation, identity and secondary adjustment were applied to interpret compulsory soldiers’ experience. From the perspective that learning is not talking about a person’s mind performance but a social phenomenon, this study was intended to answer the following research questions: 1. What do the life of the naval soldiers in compulsory look like in total institution? 2. Under the control of total institution, what do they learn? 3. Under the control of total institution, how the communities of practice developed? 4. What does the involuntary experience of being naval soldiers mean to them, particularly about the development of dis-identity? Using group interview, this study explored the varied experience of compulsory soldiers from entering into the community to leaving it legally. In the early stage, they had to align totally with the norms and values of the community. As they engaged more deeply, they try to make sense of the essence of teaching and learning in military work, the vague ambit in quality control, and the core concern of manager. They developed many tactics to maintain a sense of self such that they can live with. Although the community of practice that the compulsory soldiers developed wasshirked and ineffectively, their relations with the military was presented with non-participation, which, in turn, hide their conflictual moments from the undisciplined and loosed army. In the final stage, they all left legally, the domination also diminished, they handled work and life with ease. On the outbound trajectory, their engagement in this shared practice engenders a substantial experience of identity. The compulsory soldiers’ struggling in identity versus dis-identity, participation versus non-participation was also discussed in detail.en_US
DC.subjecttotal institutionen_US
DC.subjectcommunity of practiceen_US
DC.subjectsecondary adjustmenten_US
DC.title全控機構的學習- 從實踐社群的觀點看海軍義務役男zh_TW
DC.titleThe compulsory soldiers’ learning in total institution--- from the perspective of community of practice en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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