博碩士論文 93131006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJui-lin Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要   本篇論文以「臺灣現代詩的飲食話語」為研究主體,所謂「臺灣現代詩」意指二次戰後國府遷臺以降(即一九四九年)的現代詩文本,舉凡詩人專著、年度詩選、詩刊等皆在選錄範圍內。「現代詩飲食話語」是以現代詩為主要研究文類,其中涉及飲食的滋味、以飲食作為隱喻場域或媒介、或藉由飲食出入文本反映思想、社會文化、國族意識等話語、策略、主題皆為探討主軸。 研究範圍涵蓋飲食文化所能指涉的時空向度、歷史、社會文化、創作心理、懷舊思友等面向,因此,除第一章文獻探討、研究方法,第五章結論之外,其他章節摘要如下:凡創作涉及飲食話題、飲食書寫、借飲食抒情言志者優先擇取,分為「言志」、「抒情」二大主題,於第二章、第三章綜合討論;其次,藉由切入角度的不同、及選用集中於現代詩文本的純粹性,飲食詩質量具精者,以焦桐、江文瑜、余光中之創作為主,著重在詩藝、美學的呈現,尤其是以飲食為書寫場域,透過隱喻、戲耍、圖象、語言歧義等話語特性,研究焦桐呈現全書的情詩話語;江文瑜訴諸視覺、聽覺的圖象、符號,再現政治歷史、女性議題;余光中詩作表現人情、生活之美學,於第四章歸納研究;此外,其他散見於各詩集、詩刊等零星詩作,凡涉及飲食滋味、與飲食行為者,其中飲食話語的表現手法、詩人通過飲卅食為書寫場域所運用的書寫策略等,將在各章節中適度引用與研究分析。 關鍵詞:飲食詩、飲食話語、飲食文學、臺灣現代詩、戲耍、隱喻 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Diet Discourse of Taiwan Modern Poetry Abstract The title of this study is “The Diet Discourse of Taiwan Modern Poetry.” This study focuses on the modern poetry literature published after 1949 in Taiwan, including poets’ monographs, annual selected poetry, and poetry magazines. This study investigates the taste, the media and the metaphor in the diet poetry, and the thinking, social culture and national consciousness reflected in the content of diet poetry. The research covers the aspects of times, places, history, social culture, psychology of literary creation, sensation of nostalgia, and the friendship in the area of diet culture. The thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 describes the research motivation, the literature reviews, and the research method. Chapter 5 provides conclusive remarks. Chapter 2, 3, and 4 are the core parts of this thesis which are summarized as follows. Chapter 2 describes the “expression of ideals” and Chapter 3 describes the “expression of lyrics.” The materials selected in Chapter 2 and 3 are related to the subject of diet, description of diet, and expression of the ideals and lyrics via drinking or eating. Chapter 4 explores the literatures created by the famous poets, including Jiaotong, Jiang Wen-Yu. This chapter illustrates the art and aesthetics of their high quality poetry related to diet. By analyzing the writing techniques used in their diet poetry, including metaphor, playing, image, and ambiguity of language, this chapter demonstrates: (1) the love and words in Jiaotong’s poetry, (2) the images of the sense of vision and hearing, the reappearance of symbols, the issues of politics, history and women in Jiang’s poetry, (3) the aesthetics of sympathy and life in Yu’s poetry. There are some poems which are related to the description of taste of diet and the behavior of drinking or eating published in the poetry anthologies or magazines. The presentation techniques and the writing strategies in these poems are appropriately analyzed and cited in each chapter. Keywords:Diet poetry, Diet discourse, Diet literature, Taiwan modern poetry, Parody, Metaphors en_US
DC.subjectDiet poetryen_US
DC.subjectDiet literatureen_US
DC.subjectDiet discourseen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan modern poetryen_US
DC.titleThe Diet Discourse of Taiwan Modern Poetryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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